Friday, June 14, 2013

The Amazing Adventures of Beijing Eddie

What's the latest from our Whistle Blower turned Traitor?
U.S. intelligence officials on the trail of rogue contractor Edward Snowden are now treating the National Security Agency leak case as a possible foreign espionage matter, raising fears that the 29-year-old computer whiz may be attempting to defect to China with a trove of America's most sensitive secrets, according to U.S. officials. 
The Guardian, the British paper that first broke stories on NSA surveillance programs allegedly based on Snowden's information, reported overnight that Snowden took four laptops filled with secrets with him when he fled from Hawaii to Hong Kong late last month. Glenn Greenwald, a columnist for The Guardian, has promised more stories exposing U.S. operations were to come.
John Walker Lindh, Benedict Arnold and Tokyo Rose
Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., told reporters today that investigators are trying to determine whether Snowden has links to any foreign nations.  
"We need to ask a lot more questions about his motives, his connections, where he ended up, why he is there, how is he sustaining himself while he is there, and [if] the Chinese government [is] fully cooperating," Rogers said. "I think those would be all great questions to chase down."  
Jeremy Bash, former CIA and Pentagon Chief of Staff, told ABC News today that the possibility of Snowden defecting to China, or even cooperating with Chinese officials, is a top concern for U.S. officials.
"He could do tremendous damage," Bash said during an interview for the ABC News/Yahoo Power Players series. "I think if a foreign government learned everything that was in Edward Snowden's brain, they would have a good window into the way we collect signals intelligence… He had access to highly classified information."
Read the rest HERE and view a related video below:

Hey, here's an idea. Rather than spilling the beans all at once to China, maybe he could land a Talk Radio show their..something like America's Top Secrets? Each day, he could expose another U.S. secret. 4 laptops full of data could keep a gig like that going for quite awhile.

He's already got a Fan Base with the Chinese.
"For Chinese officials who have tried, largely in vain, to make the world think that they are being hacked as much as they are hacking, this was a very good day."
I should think so. One of their own has come home with the goodies.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This guy is a real peach!
