Saturday, June 8, 2013

Some of the GOP Lawmakers 'seem' to be hearing us on Immigration...we'll see.

The path for an overhaul of immigration laws got a bit rockier Wednesday, as some House conservatives spurned a broad Senate bill. 
Two authors of the Senate bill,Republican Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida and Jeff Flake of Arizona, attended a meeting of House conservatives to discuss the immigration revamp they had crafted as part of a bipartisan group. 
But as House Republicans trickled out of the meeting, many were unconvinced of the need for a broad-ranging, single bill. "I think conservative House Republicans are going to be less inclined to do an overarching, comprehensive immigration reform," said Georgia Rep. Paul Broun.
House conservatives said they preferred a step-by-step approach that would consider discrete parts of the immigration system one at a time. 
"I want to see border security front and center, and then you work on the other issues, whether it's guest workers or student visas," said Rep. Steve Scalise (R., La.), chairman of the Republican Study Committee, the group of conservatives that hosted the Wednesday meeting. 
The comprehensive Senate bill is expected to reach that chamber's floor next week.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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  1. "House conservatives said they preferred a step-by-step approach that would consider discrete parts of the immigration system one at a time.
    "I want to see border security front and center, and then you work on the other issues,"

    hahaha..I think I've heard that somewhere before.

  2. They're great at spilling rhetoric that sounds good to Mr. & Mrs. Low Information, but almost always cave when it's time to take action.
