Saturday, June 8, 2013

Op-ed: Syria…bad guys vs. badder guys and soon to be our war

Syria…bad guys vs. badder guys and soon to be our war
By: Diane Sori

Well it seems like Barack HUSSEIN Obama has screwed our country yet again as it appears he’s getting or already gotten us directly involved in the Syrian civil war…a war we have NO business being in as both sides in this conflict are NOT what you’d call angels…for in the Syrian conflict there are NO good vs. bad guys…there’s only bad guys vs very bad guys.

And the bad guys are Bashar al-Assad’s government forces, who while secular for the most part (and who Christians were relatively safe living under), have been accused of gassing their own people vs. maybe even badder guys, the so-called rebel opposition…rebel insurgent terrorists…composed for the most part of islamic jihadists...cowards who won't show their faces who have direct ties to al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups, including Obama favorite, the Muslim Brotherhood.

And as (bad guy) Putin supplies Syria with weapons and (badder guy) Ahmadinejad sends Revolutionary Guards to advise and shore up al-Assad’s forces, our very own personal bad guy…our miserable excuse of a president..has taken it upon himself to put us smack dab in the middle of a place ‘We the People’ don’t want to be for he’s decided all on his own that Bashar al-Assad must go, because he says al-Assad has lost all legitimacy and that his overthrow will happen in just a matter of time anyway.

Hmmm…Obama says al-Assad has lost all legitimacy and must go…how about if he looks in a mirror and sees his scandal laden self losing all legitimacy here in our own country…maybe Obama needs to tell himself to go.

But I digress…

So now our ‘leading from behind president’ has decided to put our country in a position where we’re going to aid the very (badder guy) terrorists whose ultimate goal it is to kill us all, for Barack HUSSEIN Obama is ‘considering ‘giving’ these al-Qaeda backed rebel insurgent terrorists communication equipment, armor, night-vision goggles, and vehicles to aid in their battle against (bad guy) al-Assad’s government forces.

And that sentiment comes from Caitlin Hayden, spokeswoman for the White House National Security Council.

Obama is also considering ‘giving’ the (badder guy) rebel insurgent terrorists guns and other weapons. I guess this is what he meant when he said that we’d only give ‘humanitarian aid’ to the Syrian people…just like the F-16s and Abrams tanks we ‘give’ to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, an Obama claimed ‘humanitarian aid’ package.

Obama is ‘considering giving the (badder guy) rebel insurgent terrorists…’consider giving’…those words in and of themselves would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious for Barack HUSSEIN Obama has already been (in my opinion) illegally shipping weapons from Libya to the rebel insurgent terrorists in Syria all along…arming them as in Benghazi…Benghazi…all about that very weapons running operation gone horribly wrong.

Obama is considering arming the rebel insurgents by ‘giving’ them weapons with the key words being ‘giving them’ as in NO payment for said weapons is needed. Barack HUSSEIN Obama is ‘giving’ weapons away to those out to kill us while making Israel (our ally) pay for any weapons coming from us…as in ‘giving’ the rebel insurgent terrorists expensive weapons while our county is on the verge of economic collapse…as in we have NO money for added security for our embassies or money to upgrade their existing weapons, but we can ‘give’ away high ticket-price weapons to our enemies…and both the Syrian bad guys and the Syrian badder guys are our enemies.

And the kicker in all this is that in just a few weeks a joint US-Jordanian “Eager Lion 2013” military exercise is due to begin and last two months. And with the arrival of the US force in Jordan NOT directly related to regular scheduled exercises but decided upon at an emergency May 31st meeting at the Pentagon…a meeting attended by top military brass and civilian Defense Department officials…officials including rebel insurgent terrorist sympathizer Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.

So with Jordan sharing a border with Syria and being the point of arrival for thousands upon thousands of Syrian refugees, just a few days ago a large American military force disembarked at the southern Jordanian port of Aqaba..a military force ready for deployment on Jordan’s Syrian border…a military force who came equipped with F-16 fighters and Patriot missiles.

And that folks ain’t NO standard military exercise…that reeks of us on the verge of getting involved…deeply involved.

Obama originally claimed that we would NOT get involved in Syria’s civil war unless it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that WMDs were used. Well there has been NO definitive proof and yet Barack HUSSEIN Obama is determined to involve us…determined to fight the rebel insurgent terrorists battles for them…determined for American blood to again be shed…determined to side once again with his islamic brethren.

Oh we’re involved in Syria alright and Americans will once again die in a foreign land as Barack HUSSEIN Obama takes our country into hell for the Syrian fire he helps flame might just set the entire Middle East ablaze.

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  1. Obama's 'gifts to rebels' aid them in slaughtering Christians, and war crimes.

  2. NOTE to self: importing muslims into the United States is not a good idea because for them raping Christians isn't a sin.

  3. Since "giving" weapons to state-sponsored terrorists is illegal, obama is illegally "considering" these gifts. "Where's your flexibility now, Obama?" ~Putin's Rhetorical Question(scarcastic/ joke/pseudo/phony quote)

    Does Obama plan to 'dragnet' world wide phone records, and blackmail on an even larger scale than USA?

  4. Obama will do anything if it suits his 'agenda against America'.
