Thursday, June 13, 2013

Some Lawmakers considering the Immigration Bill Don't Want Immigrants to Pay back taxes

I'm not one of them. This off course would have to be part of a bill AFTER the border is 'trully' secure.
A proposal to collect unpaid taxes from illegal immigrants, introduced in hopes of gaining Republican support for legislation to provide a pathway to citizenship for 11 million people, could complicate efforts to pass the bill, according to some analysts. 
The Senate begins debate this week.
The amendment, authored by Senator Orrin Hatch, a Utah Republican, would require illegal immigrants to pay any back taxes before applying for citizenship. Hatch is in a powerful position to sway other conservatives and he has said he would walk away from the bill if his “reasonable” amendment is not included. 
Significantly, Senator Marco Rubio, the Florida Republican who is a key figure in the immigration debate, has said he supports Hatch on the issue. “We strongly support Senator Hatch’s amendments to address the finance issues in the legislation,” Rubio spokesman Alex Conant said.
But critics said the amendment could hamper efforts to pass the bill. They said it is unrealistic to think that an illegal immigrant who worked in the underground economy would be able to calculate unpaid taxes and pay potentially huge amounts to the government.
Read the rest HERE.

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