Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Op-ed: Our borders must be secured before any immigration reform can happen

Our borders must be secured before any immigration reform can happen 
By: Diane Sori                                                                                            

Turkey is on fire…shades of Egypt to be sure but you know what…I’m sick of these muslim savages dominating the news. I know they won’t do it but the media should ignore them, and maybe then with NO audience to play to they’ll just go away. We have major issues in our own country right now that are a hell of a lot more important than giving airtime to riots by ‘the uncivilized man’ (thank you Pamela Geller) for right here, right now we have scandals galore, and adding into the now ever-growing scandal mix is the battle over immigration reform.

Immigration reform is really quite easy and is actually NO reform at all…just enforce the laws already on the books…it’s that simple. But sadly for whatever reason that does NOT seem to be an option. And if it was up to me, seriously, I would round up all ILLEGALS and ship them back to their home countries for the very word ILLEGAL means they’ve broken our laws…they’re criminals…by NOT following the rules we already have in place for those wanting to come to this country.

But that will NOT happen…it’s just a pipe dream of mine…a pipe dream of many I’m sure.

And if on key to deflect more attention away from all the scandals, yesterday the Senate passed, 82 to 15, a procedural vote to begin debate on the bipartisan ‘Gang of Eight’ immigration reform bill…a bill that if enacted would create a 13-year pathway to citizenship for 11+ million ‘undocumented’ (the ‘politically correct’ bleeding heart liberal word of choice)…ILLEGAL…aliens.

But, in my opinion, NO bill should be passed or even discussed before a bill is passed that SECURES our borders…ALL our borders…because if we don’t stop the influx of those crossing our borders ILLEGALLY NO bill we pass putting them on a path to citizenship will stop new people from coming here…ILLEGALLY of course.

And while the bill that will now be debated does try to strengthen border security it falls way short of what’s really needed because strengthening border security is NOT the issue that needs addressing…SECURING the borders is…and the two are vastly different animals. Strengthening existing border security is quite the joke for how do you strengthen something that in its current form simply just does NOT work in the first place, while SECURING the borders means locking down our borders…as in NO one crosses our borders without our permission…and that is something that will work and can be done if we’re serious about doing it.

And SECURING our borders is what needs to be done BEFORE any discussions can begin with Hispanic Americans, or with anybody for that matter, about those living ILLEGALLY in this country.

And only after SECURING our borders can the ‘givens’ be put in place…’givens’ like passing background checks, learning English, paying back taxes along with a penalty, deporting ILLEGAL documented criminals, and going to the back of the line behind all those who came here legally.

And only after SECURING our borders can a convincing case be made for Republicans controlling the immigration issue…and control it they must because we sure don’t want the liberal Democrats controlling it for all they will do is open the floodgates to even more immigration…immigration garnered for votes and votes alone.

And truth be told but the fact is that eventually immigration reform will happen whether we like it or NOT. Thankfully there’s still a glimmer of hope that a guaranteed SECURING of our borders will be happen because some Republicans who voted for yesterday’s initial procedural measure say they will NOT support the final product when it comes up for vote unless amendments are added to strengthen the legislation’s requirements to SECURE our nation’s borders…and this means in NO uncertain terms...NO SECURING OUR BORDERS...NO IMMIGRATION REFORM.

And as Barack HUSSEIN Obama and his administration continue to be way too anxious to secure third world country’s borders they are more than willing to leave our borders exposed…and that is something ‘We the People’ will NO longer abide.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving voice to the feelings of so many Americans.