and abetting the enemy and now wanting to do so on our own shores
True to form, Barack HUSSEIN Obama has proven once again that
he’s violated his oath of office by siding with and aiding and abetting
the (islamic) enemy.
First, this man has single-handily decided that the US will waive the ‘conditional human rights’ clause attached to Egypt receiving a promised $1.3 billion in additional US military aid for this year…that’s $1.3 billion derived from our taxpayer dollars on top of the more than $2 billion that Egypt already receives from us every year, and has for quite some time.
Saying he’s giving Egypt the additional aid based on ‘national security grounds’ what Obama is actually saying is human rights be damned as he now will outwardly aid NOT only those out to kill us, but also will aid those out to kill any in the Egyptian pro-democracy movement, as well as any Coptic Christians still remaining in Egypt.
And he will be doing so with our taxpayer dollars.
In a letter to Congress…NO…in lies to Congress…Obama claimed the aid must be given because of the Egyptian military’s long partnership in the Mideast peace process, that it helps protect Egypt’s borders and the Suez Canal, and aids Israeli security against terrorists in Gaza and in the Sinai Peninsula.
If this wasn’t such a bunch of crap it would almost be laughable as we know that Egypt’s military is NOT in control of the country…Obama’s brethren The Muslim Brotherhood are…and we all know that the situation with terrorists in Gaza has only gotten worse NOT better forcing Israel to up its military presence along the Gaza border. At least under Mubarak there was a treaty of sorts NOT to attack Israel, and now that The Muslim Brotherhood is in control there is always a shadow threat looming to do away with that 1979 Egypt-Israel peace treaty.
Also remember, The Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology is diametrically opposed to our American values, beliefs, morals, and democratic ideals, as The Muslim Brotherhood controlled government now ruling Egypt continues to violate basic freedoms, assaults their own people, disallows a free press, and suppress any and all opposition…but hey, let’s let Obama give Egypt even more of our taxpayer dollars to do so.
And if this Egyptian situation doesn’t get you fuming mad, on top of this Obama has another surprise for ‘We the People’ and our taxpayer dollars for Barack HUSSEIN Obama has now decided that the US will take in Syrian refugees running away from their country’s civil war…with the only thing standing in the way of this immediately happening is the formality of the (Useless) N(ations) High Commissioner for Refugees formally asking us to do so, and that request is expected to come this week.
And so more of Obama’s muslim brethren will be coming to our country…Syrians who NEVER had any love for America or Americans…more muslims will be welcomed into America by our America-hating president who claims letting them in will take pressure off Middle Eastern countries currently 'struggling' to support more than 1.6 million Syrian refugees (numbers expected to reach over 3.5 million by year’s end).
You know what…who gives a damn about the ‘supposed’ struggling Middle Eastern countries…the swimming in oil money rich Arab Middle Eastern countries…these are ‘their people’…’their brethren’… let them take them in…house them…feed them…cloth them…educate them…take care of their medical needs…for the last thing our country needs is more people on our welfare rolls…more people raping our medical system…and more people whose loyalties lie NOT with America but with the qur’an and the jihadists.
By the way, we gave Jordan (at least they’re somewhat an ally) $200 million in additional US aid on top of what we already give them..aid to help care for the 500,000 Syrians taking refuge in their country. But we should NOT give one cent to any Arab country who hates us...NOT one cent to take care of ‘their Arab brethren’ running from their country’s civil war. I always believed that freedom fighters and patriots stayed and fought for their county NOT ran away like cowards because the fighting got tough. Just goes to show you that the Syrian people could care less who’s in control of their lives or their destiny…as long as they don’t have to fight for who takes care of or rules over them.
And now to add even more to this Syrian problem we have Susan ‘It’s All about the Video’ Rice, Obama’s new National Security Advisor, saying we need to take in these refugees…these muslims…as a ‘humanitarian gesture’ and will advocate for us to do so...to do so even though she knows very well that many of them have ties to al-Qaeda, and will NOT assimilate into our way of life but will add to the already growing multitude of muslims trying to change our beloved America into an islamic calipahate complete with sharia as the law of the land.
So the bottom line concerning the Syrian refugees is that they’re running from an internal conflict involving the inner workings of their own country, and NO matter which side ends up in control things will be the same for the Syrian people…enemy people
who like their government are NOT and NEVER will be our friends. And we need NOT be taking in refugees who need to go home and fight for their country, just as we should NOT be sending hard-earned American taxpayer dollars to an Egyptian government controlled by The Muslim Brotherhood.
We must take care of America and Americans first and those that hate us can simply fend for themselves for us sending them money or taking them in does NOT turn them into or friends for in a heartbeat they will kill us without blinking an eye.
First, this man has single-handily decided that the US will waive the ‘conditional human rights’ clause attached to Egypt receiving a promised $1.3 billion in additional US military aid for this year…that’s $1.3 billion derived from our taxpayer dollars on top of the more than $2 billion that Egypt already receives from us every year, and has for quite some time.
Saying he’s giving Egypt the additional aid based on ‘national security grounds’ what Obama is actually saying is human rights be damned as he now will outwardly aid NOT only those out to kill us, but also will aid those out to kill any in the Egyptian pro-democracy movement, as well as any Coptic Christians still remaining in Egypt.
And he will be doing so with our taxpayer dollars.
In a letter to Congress…NO…in lies to Congress…Obama claimed the aid must be given because of the Egyptian military’s long partnership in the Mideast peace process, that it helps protect Egypt’s borders and the Suez Canal, and aids Israeli security against terrorists in Gaza and in the Sinai Peninsula.
If this wasn’t such a bunch of crap it would almost be laughable as we know that Egypt’s military is NOT in control of the country…Obama’s brethren The Muslim Brotherhood are…and we all know that the situation with terrorists in Gaza has only gotten worse NOT better forcing Israel to up its military presence along the Gaza border. At least under Mubarak there was a treaty of sorts NOT to attack Israel, and now that The Muslim Brotherhood is in control there is always a shadow threat looming to do away with that 1979 Egypt-Israel peace treaty.
Also remember, The Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology is diametrically opposed to our American values, beliefs, morals, and democratic ideals, as The Muslim Brotherhood controlled government now ruling Egypt continues to violate basic freedoms, assaults their own people, disallows a free press, and suppress any and all opposition…but hey, let’s let Obama give Egypt even more of our taxpayer dollars to do so.
And if this Egyptian situation doesn’t get you fuming mad, on top of this Obama has another surprise for ‘We the People’ and our taxpayer dollars for Barack HUSSEIN Obama has now decided that the US will take in Syrian refugees running away from their country’s civil war…with the only thing standing in the way of this immediately happening is the formality of the (Useless) N(ations) High Commissioner for Refugees formally asking us to do so, and that request is expected to come this week.
And so more of Obama’s muslim brethren will be coming to our country…Syrians who NEVER had any love for America or Americans…more muslims will be welcomed into America by our America-hating president who claims letting them in will take pressure off Middle Eastern countries currently 'struggling' to support more than 1.6 million Syrian refugees (numbers expected to reach over 3.5 million by year’s end).
You know what…who gives a damn about the ‘supposed’ struggling Middle Eastern countries…the swimming in oil money rich Arab Middle Eastern countries…these are ‘their people’…’their brethren’… let them take them in…house them…feed them…cloth them…educate them…take care of their medical needs…for the last thing our country needs is more people on our welfare rolls…more people raping our medical system…and more people whose loyalties lie NOT with America but with the qur’an and the jihadists.
By the way, we gave Jordan (at least they’re somewhat an ally) $200 million in additional US aid on top of what we already give them..aid to help care for the 500,000 Syrians taking refuge in their country. But we should NOT give one cent to any Arab country who hates us...NOT one cent to take care of ‘their Arab brethren’ running from their country’s civil war. I always believed that freedom fighters and patriots stayed and fought for their county NOT ran away like cowards because the fighting got tough. Just goes to show you that the Syrian people could care less who’s in control of their lives or their destiny…as long as they don’t have to fight for who takes care of or rules over them.
And now to add even more to this Syrian problem we have Susan ‘It’s All about the Video’ Rice, Obama’s new National Security Advisor, saying we need to take in these refugees…these muslims…as a ‘humanitarian gesture’ and will advocate for us to do so...to do so even though she knows very well that many of them have ties to al-Qaeda, and will NOT assimilate into our way of life but will add to the already growing multitude of muslims trying to change our beloved America into an islamic calipahate complete with sharia as the law of the land.
So the bottom line concerning the Syrian refugees is that they’re running from an internal conflict involving the inner workings of their own country, and NO matter which side ends up in control things will be the same for the Syrian people…enemy people
who like their government are NOT and NEVER will be our friends. And we need NOT be taking in refugees who need to go home and fight for their country, just as we should NOT be sending hard-earned American taxpayer dollars to an Egyptian government controlled by The Muslim Brotherhood.
We must take care of America and Americans first and those that hate us can simply fend for themselves for us sending them money or taking them in does NOT turn them into or friends for in a heartbeat they will kill us without blinking an eye.
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NO, this shows that the muslims are coming here to attack us. Conquest. Their entire "religion" is plunder and conquest. Fact.
The plan is a world in slavery to muslims.
Piracy 101 as taught since
WE cannot allow any more muslims into OUR country or pretty soon OUR country will be THEIR country if Obama has his way.
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