Breitbart News has learned there is a provision included in the immigration bill that could be used to give free cars, motorcycles, scooters or other vehicles to young people around the country over a period of 15 months after the bill passes. The new provision is a result of the latest addition to the Corker-Hoeven amendment, which is essentially an entirely new version of the bill.
The Washington Examiner’s Byron York uncovered the new Obama stimulus program that Gang of Eight members and other Senate Republicans inserted into the bill as a sweetheart deal for liberal Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). The left leaning Senator was previously critical of the legislation.
A provision under that new stimulus program title allows for the use of spending the taxpayer money on the program to provide transportation for youth to and from their jobs. “(f) USE OF FUNDS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The funds made available under this section shall be used— (A) to provide summer employment opportunities for low-income youth, with direct linkages to academic and occupational learning, and may be used to provide supportive services, such as transportation or child care, that is necessary to enable the participation of such youth in the opportunities;”
The total appropriation for this new stimulus program would be $1.5 billion that would be divvied up among states that applied for the money. According to the proposed statute as written, all the money would need to be spent in a year-and-three-months period. (emphasis mine)Read the full story HERE.
I can remember working my ass off to by my first car...a used 61 Chevy Corvair.
I remember that it burnt so much oil that even in the winter, I had to keep the windows open. When you'd put the heat on, the oil fumes would blow through the heating system. So basically I'd be seen driving on those cold days with my head out the window.
I worked hard for that clunker...'WORKED'. That was the beginning of a very strong work ethic an an appreciation
Boy, how times are a changing and what kind of message does that send if this bill is passed with THIS SHIT in it?
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I don't believe it. Rubio swore on the House floor that this isn't in the bill, and since I've already seen the bill exaggerated, I'm inclined to believe him.
The worst distortions, I think, are the headlines reading: Amnesty Bill Grants Legal Status to Millions! First of all, it's not amnesty, it's a work visa program. And "legal" doesn't mean the same thing as "citizen." I want them here legally. Working. Paying taxes. Working. However, they ought to go through proper channels to become citizens, and that includes proving themselves like those who came here legally.
See? Balance!
I'm sure there will be some things in the bill I disagree with, but if we can get the porous southern border secured even 10% more, I'd sleep safer at night in southern California.
"if we can get the porous southern border secured even 10% more, I'd sleep safer at night in southern California."
That's the problem with THIS BILL. It's not the 'IF' I worry about. It's the WHEN!
" Rubio swore on the House floor" That's where you lost your argument.
What the hell lesson does this teach these younger adults. HARD WORK? STRIVE FOR SOMETHING? SAVE? I can remember working my ass of for my first car.
My older kids are in college--well, my daughter is a missionary right now--and they don't have cars. It's inconvenient, but they don't have money to buy a car, and we don't have the money to pay for one right now. Maybe in a little while. My son is working full time this summer, and he has been learning how hard people work for their money. He's a hard worker, but he's had a hard time finding a job, coming of age during this recession. It's still a recession here in AZ at least for the young people. Many who have jobs are finding themselves with 5 hrs. per week. They need more hours than that, obviously, but how to get them? It's too bad, because they are willing to work, just not allowed.
I trust Byron York far more than I trust Rubio.
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