Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Marco Rubio getting some bad vibes from Floridians over the Gang of Eight Immigration Bill

H/T Joel2013
Floridians for Immigration Enforcement have erected a billboard attacking Republican Sen. Marco Rubio’s proposed immigration bill along I-75. The billboard largely asserts that “33 million foreign workers” will be “imported” over the next 10 years. 
“When 20 million American citizens and legal workers are unemployed or desperately trying to find full time jobs it is both callous and irresponsible for Florida Senator Marco Rubio to sponsor an immigration bill that will flood the labor market with 33 million foreign workers over the next ten years,” said a statement from the organization’s Legislative Director, Jack Oliver.
Read the full story HERE.
The song you hear in the background can be found HERE.

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  1. I love the "Amnesty Man" song set to Candy Man tune. Clearly demonstrates Rubio Democrat Party mindset, fantasy 24/7 on hyperdrive.

  2. Rubio is a fraud. Period. I'll do whatever it I can to oppose him if he runs for president. Christie too. Even Romney was more acceptable than these too in my eyes. I'm about to throw Ryan in that group as well.

  3. You mean folks in Florida aren't happy with the Gang of Eight's Immigration Bill? hahahaha...I find myself humming Rubio's song all morning.

  4. Yes, I agree. He's totally insane. Why should he try to address the amnesty that exists today. He should be like all the 'lovely' Govs- you know, the ones who are too scared to say where they stand as it might 'upset' sections of their potential '16 primary electorate.
    He should join the jelly fish crowd.

  5. How's this RM,

    He should DEMAND that the border be secure first before ANY OTHER PART OF HIS BILL be enforced.

    NO DEMOCRAT would go along........KNOW WHY? Because SECURING THE BORDER isn't a priority for them. Everything else is.

    Democrats HAVE NO INTENTION of 'REALLY' making sure the border is secure. If they did, DOING IT FIRST, would not be a problem.

  6. Because without freezing it in place as it is, you'd get millions hopping over before the border is finally 'secure'. Like Rubio says, you've got to have some cut off point somewhere. Also, if Rubio isn't convinced that the border is going to get fully secured, he'll walk.
    But again, it's pathetic how he has actually tried to solve an issue. He should have joined the jellfish crowd of governors that watch from afar, sitting on fence (no pun).
    Rubio should remember that trying to solve issues is not allowed with the armchair QB crowd
