Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Federal Health Rules Forbid 10-year-old's Lung Transplant

A 10-year-old girl at the top of the donor list cannot get new lungs thanks to federal government rules and dear old Kathleen Sebelius.

Before she can get her lung transplant, all the adults on the list must get theirs. So much for women and children first.

"It doesn't make any sense why this law is in place," says the news reporter at the video linked above.

I'll tell you why. Adults, under the statist/socialist view, are more important to society than are young children who cannot yet contribute to society.

The very young and the very old are unimportant in the new world order of "free health care for everyone."

I watched a documentary laying out these failings (certainly, we can agree these are failings) in the new healthcare system, months before the 2012 election. I shared it on facebook and here on RightSpeak, expressing my shock at a system that was so Platonic and anti-Hippocratic Oath.

Here is that video if you want to inform yourself now:

This should not happen in America. We value ALL human life here.

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  1. If this was a 'child of color'...then the 'stuff' would hit the fan! Since it's a 'Caucasian' child...NOTHING will be said or done!

  2. There are also prejudices against disabled people among those on the left who believe these people shouldn't even be born! That's what abortion is for, they think. They can't understand why anyone would WANT a child with a disability. That's why the hatred for Sarah Palin's little baby. Disgusting. Every child is a miracle. Every child is precious.

    This new system favors only those who can contribute to the collective. This story illustrates clearly the danger of collectivism.

  3. This is an Ezekial Emanuel's "Complete Lives System" at play: http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/a/SB10001424052970203706604574374463280098676?mg=reno64-wsj

    Or in other words, DEATH PANELS.
