Thursday, June 27, 2013

GOP Bill would fire Federal Workers for not answering Questions from Congress

Rep. Mo Brooks has introduced a bill that would fire federal employees who refuse to testify during Congressional hearings. 
"We expect ... for those federal employees to testify and if they don't, if they plead the Fifth Amendment, they ought to be terminated," the Alabama Republican told "Fox & Friends" Tuesday. 
Lois Lerner, director of the IRS exempt organizations office, pleaded the Fifth Amendment to avoid incriminating herself during a House hearing on the IRS scandal in May. 
The Internal Revenue Service is being investigated for allegedly unfairly targeting conservative, tea party, and pro-Israel groups seeking nonprofit status. Some groups have been waiting for years for approval from the service.
Brooks believes that should the bill come up for a vote in the House of Representatives, it will pass. 
"Congress has oversight responsibilities. Our job is to figure out what's going on with whoever happens to be in power," Brooks said. "We need the cooperation of federal government employees who often are on the front lines of whatever is going on." 
On Monday, Rep. Sander Levin, D-Mich., said that liberal groups may also have been unfairly targeted, and that the IRS had been conducting these practices as recently as this month, CNN reports. Apparently IRS employees also searched for groups using the word "progressives."
Read the full story HERE.

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