The Senate is expected to vote on the 1200 page immigration bill on Monday afternoon. The new immigration legislation, which incorporates changes from the Corker–Hoeven amendment, was dumped on the laps of Senate staffs on Friday, leaving members and their offices 75 hours to read through all the pages.
None of the four Republicans on the "Gang of Eight" that drafted the original legislation has spoken out against the tactic. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) once promised he would not support an immigration bill that was rushed, but he has remained silent on the issue.
However, the same Gang of Eight members did complain about the same tactic that was used by Senate Democratic leadership during the Obamacare debate. Below are video clips of these members giving floor speeches or interviews commenting about the long, unread, jammed through health care bill.Read the rest and watch the videos HERE.
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Why are we careening down this track? I can't believe senate Republicans are this stupid.
Oh wait, I can.
I am all for immigration reform that makes sense. I'm even willing for Republicans to compromise. But this bill is turning out to be a real stinker! And it's going to give Obama a victory when he should be facing the music on all of the scandals.
He's smarter than we think, I guess.
"Compromise" is what got us into this mess.
NO compromise - NO legalization, NO path to citizenship, NO amnesty for 46 million(over 20 years, according to the CBO) poorly educated, poverty-stricken trespassing invaders from Third World countries who will never learn our language, our history, our culture - with 80-90% of them becoming knee-jerk supporters of the Democratic Party, creating a permanent liberal/progressive majority for the Dems.
Just build the damn fence, enforce mandatory E-Verify for all employers, and require computerized entry-exit tracking for all visa recipients.
And while they're at it, the feds MUST STOP DISCRIMINATING against white immigrants from Europe in favor of brown and black immigrants from Latin America and Africa.
Imm reform bill compared to ObamaCare? Where's the straw man.
Newark, well that would be nice, but what world are you living in?
Yes. This is so depressing, again!
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