Friday, June 21, 2013

Chris Christie on Why I'm not liked by some Republicans: "I didn't wear my Romney sweatshirt to the tour around New Jersey" with Obama (Full Video 06-18-13)

In the interview below on NBC's 'Morning Joe', Christie talks about a variety of issues including his relationship with the Republican Party.

In one of his comments, he claims one of the reasons Republicans are calling him a RINO and don't like him anymore is that perhaps it's because he didn't where his Romney Sweatshirt while escorting the President around after Sandy.

Although the sweatshirt might have helped, what he fails to mention, is All the photo-ops that day and what went on over the remainder of the week....him making the President 'seem' presidential.

Christie was on National TV with his updates, 2 or 3 times a day. On several of those updates he took every opportunity to continue to praise the President. He had the media playing him like a ukulele. "Did you talk to the President today?", "What did you and the President talk about?"....He gave me his direct line.....He promised speedy relief....he this...he that  ..BLAH..BLAH..BLAH. ALL of this going on the week before the final election.

So Governor it was a little more than you not wearing your 5XXX Romney Sweat shirt.

Here is the entire interview below:

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Anonymous said...

I cannot stand this self-serving fraud. If the Stupid Party (also known as the GOP) nominates this Obama loving RINO in 2016....I'm NOT voting for him.


BOSMAN said...

I have to confess I was at the highest level of PISSED after hearing this self-centered shit Head make that comment.

This ASSHOLE spent the ENTIRE WEEK after Sandy Praising O'Maggot. Now he say's he's not liked because he didn't wear a Romney sweatshirt that day. Christie not only had a brain fart, he puts the ass in Jackass.

Anonymous said...

I hear you Bos. I'm from New Jersey and I am beyond sick of this guy. I'm not wasting my time voting for this tool in November or in 2016. He likes Democrats so much....he can count on their votes.


Anonymous said...

Good gravy, man, get a clue! Glad to see the real you, though. You have an ego that matches your large body. You are making it hard for even your die-hard fans to defend you.


Anonymous said...

This statement is EXACTLY why he cannot be the nominee. He doesn't have that little barometer in his head that tells him what not to say.


Anonymous said...

Little over-confident much gov?

I officially hate Chris Christie now.


Anonymous said...

Interesting that he declined to say anything complementary about ANY republican where there was plenty of opportunity, and in fact lumped them all in with dems.


RomneyMan said...

Yes, he is very self-centred.

A tragic hurricane hit the sate that he governs, and he had the audacity to think of the state's inhabitants, and not politics.

The man's a shame.

BOSMAN said...


"Yes, he is very self-centered"

I KNEW, one day I could agree with you.