Tuesday, June 25, 2013

BREAKING: Ed Snowden sought Job to gather Proof of NSA Spying Activities

Edward Snowden secured a job with a US government contractor for one reason alone - to obtain evidence of Washington's cyberspying networks, the South China Morning Post can reveal. 
For the first time, Snowden has admitted he sought a position at Booz Allen Hamilton so he could collect proof about the US National Security Agency's secret surveillance programmes ahead of planned leaks to the media.
"My position with Booz Allen Hamilton granted me access to lists of machines all over the world the NSA hacked," he told the Post on June 12. "That is why I accepted that position about three months ago." 
During a live global online chat last week, Snowden also stated he took pay cuts "in the course of pursuing specific work". He said: "Booz was not the most I've been paid." 
In his interview with the Post, Snowden divulged information that he claimed showed hacking by the NSA into computers in Hong Kong and the mainland. 
"I did not release them earlier because I don't want to simply dump huge amounts of documents without regard to their content," he said. 
"I have to screen everything before releasing it to journalists." 
Asked if he specifically went to Booz Allen Hamilton to gather evidence of surveillance, he replied: "Correct on Booz."
Read the rest HERE.

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Unknown said...

He also disclosed the IP addresses of computers in China accessed by the NSA.

The Snowden bandwagon is in for a bumpy ride, and many who jumped on board early aren't going to like the destination.

Jack Ross said...

I smelled a traitor as soon as I heard his interview.

Anonymous said...

Obama does LITTLE to help our defense. He can't even handle protecting us from muslim terrorists when Putin hands them to him on a silver platter. No, Obama is NOT worried about protecting America.

He won't even call Major Nidal Hasan a terrorist, when he has a card that states his name, and then "soldier of allah." Hasan was in touch through emails with major terrorists, and shouted "allahu akbar." But Obama can't figure out from these clues that Hasan is a jihadi terrorist? What good does it do to give Obama NSA databases, when he's that dense.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Hasan did multiple murders, including sister missionaries and a pregnant woman. Where is the outrage about gun violence? No, you two are in bizarro world that is upside down and backward. Many more people injured by Hasan. What is it about this that you can blame on a gun? Quit lying. With 18,000 such attacks by Muslims in just the past 10 years, wake up. Islam teaches them to do this. Fact.

Anonymous said...

My original comment disappeared. You two at the top [roger & jack] have it all wrong. It is illogical to believe Snowden would advertise a crime HE did through the media. This is civil disobedience, and nothing so far says otherwise.

On the streets of China they call Obama "monkeyman" because they have no respect for him betraying his nation they way he does day in and day out. Everyone sees it.

Obama is the traitor. And from the edge in the voice of a female representing Obama's administration, they are hopping mad at Snowden, because Snowden must have the goods on OBAMA.

Obama on foreign soil consistently denigrates America. He isn't one of us.

That female Obama representative very arrogantly insisted that they could off Snowden anytime if they wanted. It was sick.

Who can't see the problem of Obama having NSA surveillance on everyone in USA, including Senators and Congressmen? Since when do we have to reinvent fire to teach people the pitfalls that exist for our freedoms?

We must have real information to make informed decisions on voting. It can't be government controlled media, with Obama dictating to the press.

Come out of the thrall you are in. Obama is not concerned that 25 million Americans are unemployed. His priority are those among us who do not belong here.

He wants to import muslims here as fast as he can. He wants to legalize and bring all the family of illegal aliens. THAT is his priority, and THAT is NOT the priority of Americans.

With Obama's fraudulent illegal alien bill we would have in one fail swoop more immigrants than half the number who ever immigrated here.

The issue is national sovereignty, and it is continually being jeopardized by Obama, very willfully. His continual assaults on the Constitution and complete lack of integrity mean Americans do not believe him. He is not credible in chasing down Snowden, since he has zero moral authority.

Anonymous said...

There is NO doubt that someone as untrustworthy and fraudulent as Obama should not have access to everyone's secrets. That much is obvious.

Not to mention the likelihood that he shares this database with his terrorist friends, like Erdoğan, the Prime Minister of Turkey.

Obama's modus operandi is to smear people using secret sources of information on them. Naturally we need to cut him off from that power over us immediately.

From the anger of Obama's administration at Snowden, I gather that Snowden may become very helpful to the United States' future as a republic. I hope so.

Anonymous said...

Obama's IRS sent to ONE physical address $46,000,000.00 for 24K 'unauthorized' illegal aliens, an EXCEPTIONALLY noticeable fraud, which means his IRS knowingly committed fraud with taxpayer money. There are many more examples of corruption like this in Obama's administration.

As Boehner said, It's 'inconceivable' that Obama didn't know about IRS targeting. And this is world news. The IRS spent 50 million dollars in two years to party. If that expense wasn't authorized, it certainly would have been a noisy red flag for wrongdoing.


The entire world sees that Obama doesn't allow a free press, that he abuses power to torment his political opponents, and he stole his re-election.

Everyone in the world KNOWS Obama is a colossal hypocrite and liar. We all see the ruthless regime he has brought into our White House, and the absolute disregard Obama has for civil liberty in America.

You are 180 degrees off, Roger & Jack. Obama is the traitor. He's ineligible to be President, he's a fraud and entirely phony. He puts people into high office who are criminals, and their crimes in those high offices are called "high crimes," they aren't scandals or trifles.

Roger & Jack, you are premature to parrot state run media mantras. You haven't even thought this through. I can only imagine the sort of vicious and extreme partisan nature that allowed you to call Snowden a traitor.

When Putin handed Obama essential information on a silver platter, he didn't protect Boston. Common sense that Obama isn't worried about our protection, but continually leveraging Americans and political opponents using the power of their private data.

The point about this being world news is that Obama's spying on other nations, and lying about other nations, and lying to other nations can lead to world war. He can't be trusted so his actions must be exposed. We must be plain with other nations so we do not aggro fear and aggression.

Obama is a bully toward James Rosen, and our press. His culture of intimidation is obvious and disgusting. Something is very wrong with the person unable to discern the traitor between Obama and Snowden.

Breitbart is dead, along with the two coroners of his case. I can't think of anything bad enough to say about people willing to accept 'bribes'and hush money gleaned by the destruction of others. The reporter Hastings' car bonfire in Hollywood wasn't a coincidence. His final article? "Why Democrats love spying on Americans."

Democrats must extricate themselves from Obama, or they are co-conspirators. Everyone in the world is watching you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"So there's nothing surprising about the reaction to this week's disclosures about the National Security Agency's unprecedented surveillance program. In our cult-of-personality society, that reaction has been predictably — and unfortunately — focused less on the agency's possible crimes against the entire country than on Edward Snowden."


Anonymous said...

"Though they failed to show that Snowden's disclosures endanger national security, these attacks do tell an important story.

The backlash against Snowden reveals that Permanent Washington doesn't work for We the People — it works to protect itself. We know this because whereas Snowden is vilified for disclosing information that's inconvenient to Permanent Washington, those who leak classified information that is advantageous to Permanent Washington are left alone.

As Reuters' Jack Shafer notes, after the president's counterterrorism adviser leaked administration-defending information about a terrorist attack, "instead of being prosecuted for leaking sensitive, classified intelligence, Brennan was promoted to director of the CIA" — and few of those now complaining about Snowden expressed any outrage.

In a democratic society, as Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald put it, "we're supposed to know virtually everything about what (government officials) do: That's why they're called public servants." That's why, until given reason not to, we should naturally sympathize with — and support protections for — whistleblowers like Snowden.

Until we wake up to the real agenda at work, Permanent Washington will continue undermining civil liberties and America's democratic ideals."

Anonymous said...

U.S. Seemingly Unaware of Irony in Accusing Snowden of Spying

Anonymous said...

These bonuses are shocking.


If you do not appreciate spying, tell our government to stop spying on us.

Anonymous said...

Binney also responded to a claim from US intelligence agencies that they only checked the metadata of under 300 telephone accounts in 2012.

“It’s kind of hard to believe that they have on the order of, you know, 10,000 people looking at three hundred phone calls,” he stated.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/06/whistleblower-obama-used-nsa-for-politics/#9iZl0RZxw6Cv8PHu.99

BOSMAN said...


THIS POST isn't about Snowden and his whistle blowing about surveillance on Americans. I SUPPORTED HIM ON THAT.

THIS POST is about MY APPROVAL of the U.S. spying on Foreigner and Foreign Countries. I approve of that.

So if you continue TO SPAM the comment section with BULLSHIT about our civil liberties here. I will DELETE YOUR COMMENTS.

This Post is about the Civil liberties of Foreign nations and 'THEIR' citizens NOT OURS...'THEY' don't have any under our constitution...GET IT??

Anonymous said...

The first two comments shifted discussion to calling Snowden a traitor. I do not want to offend the website owner at all.

Briefly, "... they failed to show that Snowden's disclosures endanger national security" so far.

I certainly agree that nations have always spied on each other.

Anonymous said...

I do think it is relevant that as a traitor, Obama and has no moral authority. He continually shows no respect for America and for the safety of Americans. Obama's intense interest in chasing Snowden seems more self-interest than national interest. Obama leaked classified information about SEAL Team Six in front us all.

Anonymous said...

The New Yorker shares my disdain and expresses plenty of their own "bullshit," as you say, over Obama and the WH accusing Snowden of spying.



"The idea that Snowden has harmed national security is truly laughable. If you go and look at what it is that we published, the only things that we published were reports that the U.S. government was spying, not on the terrorists or the Chinese government, but on American citizens indiscriminately." ~ Glenn Greenwald, Guardian columnist who broke the NSA surveillance stories


Must-read article for those who want to know THE TRUTH about this controversy, instead of the propaganda and lies spewed 247 by the State Run Media.

Anonymous said...

I've been saying since the git-go that this was not something he woke up to all of a sudden, but was pre planned and executed solely for this end. that makes him a TRAITOR. Cut and dry.

Anonymous said...

you'd have to be pretty stupid to whistleblow WH and federal government without a plan.

Anonymous said...

not reasonable that a person doing a HUGE crime would advertise it to the press

Anonymous said...

ALSO, if snowden wanted to betray america, he would not bother whistleblowing on our government for spying on americans!

BOSMAN said...

"if snowden wanted to betray america, he would not bother whistleblowing on our government for spying on americans!"

Sure he would.

Instead of having All of American calling him a traitor, he has about 50%.