Sunday, March 10, 2013

Op-ed: The newest jobs numbers are NOT what they seem

The newest jobs numbers are NOT what they seem 
By: Diane Sori

Barack HUSSEIN Obama and his minions are trying to fool 'We the People' once again, and this time his bloviations have to do with the latest jobs numbers.

I sure hope the American people don't get fooled by last Friday's new numbers. And while Obama does a 'happy dance' of 'I told you so,' the only reason the numbers appear to fortell a glimmer of hope for an economic recovery is that the numbers are NOT what they seem if they're picked apart and really examined under the proverbial microscope.

Last Friday's released figures by The Labor Department show that 260,000 new jobs were added in February, but the labor force participation rate (the percentage of working-age persons in an economy who are employed or are unemployed but looking for a job) remains at a level so low (63.5%) that we won't see a true economic recovery for a long time. And why...because while the number of those unemployed 'supposedly' fell by the claimed 260,000 new jobs added, that number is easily explained by an increase in the number of people who are no longer in the labor force...and that number translates to a whopping 296,000 folks who dropped out of the work force last month alone out of frustration with NOT being able to find work.

And that's NOT happy news as there are now 89.304 million eligible workers (up from 89.008 million in January) not in the labor force...people who want to work but who can't work because there simply are NO jobs for them...which means the so-called economic recovery is just NOT a reality NO matter what Obama and crew say. And with employers moving towards part time employees instead of full time employees things are NOT good for working middle class families, because shifting towards part time work causes added loss of income for families. And now add in the effects of the Obama payroll-tax increase, and the simple fact becomes that most workers are even worse off than they were at the end of last year.

For example, the median annual household income in January 2013 of $51,584 was 4.5% LOWER than the median of $54,008 in June 2009, which is when the Obama claimed the 'supposed' recovery began. Also, household income is now 6.2% LOWER than it was when the recession began (December 2007), and is 7.3% LOWER than the median of $55,659 in January 2000 before we ever heard the dreaded name Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

Also, the unemployment rate is still at a high of 7.7% and really won't drop much lower NO matter how much Obama promises it will...NOT with twelve million Americans officially classified as unemployed, and with 4.8 million of them being out of work for six months or longer. In addition, roughly 8 million people are part-time workers, and another 2.6 million are classed as 'marginally attached to the work force,' meaning they wanted a job but hadn’t actively looked for one in the latest four-week period of numbers taking.

And if you take all these figures into account, the so-called underemployment rate (the proportion of employed persons who expressed desire to have additional hours of work in their present job or in an additional job or to have a new job with longer working hours) is 14.3% and that is just NOT acceptable...and is something Obama is trying to hide at all costs. That along with the fact that if the economy is on the road to recovery as he claims then why aren't more people returning to the work force.

I'll tell you's because the newest jobs numbers are just another one in the string of lies told by the Obama administration. In fact, The Labor Department just revised DOWN the number of jobs added in January to 119,000 from the 157,000 Obama's people had claimed. Also, these numbers are the last before the government's across the board spending cuts known as sequestration go into effect forcing economists to wait and see if the Congressional Budget Office's projection of 750,000 fewer jobs actually happens or if the US economy is strong enough to survive the cuts, and continue to create enough private sector jobs to make up for the government jobs that could be on the chopping block.

By the way, overpaid useless government jobs going bye-bye would be just fine with me.

So, if you only look at and believe the numbers thrown out by team Obama, it appears the employment picture is improving but it's NOT because NO matter how they twist the numbers too many Americans are NEVER going to get back economically to where they were before the Obama created recession.

And that is something Barack HUSSEIN Obama built and owns.
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