Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Gang of 8 split on giving Obamacare access to undocumented Democrats immigrants once they have a Green Card

The Senate’s bipartisan immigration working group split along party lines during a contentious budget vote to prevent illegal immigrants who receive legal status from receiving federal health benefits. 
The Senate early Saturday morning defeated the amendment to the budget resolution which would have put the Senate on record as opposing access to health care under Medicaid or the Affordable Care Act for undocumented immigrants who get a green card. 
The amendment, which failed 43 to 56, was offered by Senate Budget ranking member Jeff Sessions, R-Ala.
All Democrats — including gang members Dick Durbin of Illinois, Bob Menendez of New Jersey, Charles E. Schumer of New York and Michael Bennet of Colorado — opposed the amendment. They were joined by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska. All other Republicans — including immigration negotiators Marco Rubio of Florida, John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Jeff Flake of Arizona — supported the amendment. 
The gang of eight has been negotiating a comprehensive immigration reform package that they hope to unveil when the Senate returns the week of April 8 from spring recess. 
Sessions contended the vote bodes poorly for the state of negotiations.
Read the whole story HERE.

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They should rename the "comprehensive immigration reform" bill.

They should call it the "permanent liberal majority" or "GOP suicide" bill instead.

Because that's exactly what it is. The voter-friendly name is just a smokescreen.

If the bill ever becomes law, and 20-40 million illegal immigrants become U.S. citizens as a result, conservative candidates will have as much chance of winning national elections as they now do of winning statewide elections in California, which USED TO BE a purple/swing state 40 years ago, before it was flooded by poverty-stricken immigrants from Third World countries in Latin America.

The official estimate of "12 million" illegal immigrants - although enormous - is as FRAUDULENT as the official estimate of "1.4 million" illegal immigrants was prior to the passage of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.

After that amnesty bill was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan, the number of illegal immigrants immediately applying for amnesty turned out to be MORE THAN TWICE the official estimate, and that's not even counting the MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of illegal immigrant "family" members who were later granted citizenship under the family reunification clause of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

The Democrat/RINO Washington establishment can give their amnesty bill whatever warm and fuzzy name they want.

They can put lipstick on their pig, but it's still a pig.

Anonymous said...

This article is about ObamaCare, not immigration. Obama SWORE to the entire country in his State of the Union address that illegal aliens wouldn't get the benefits of ObamaCare. HE was lying. But changing what we call someone who came here illegally doesn't cut it for me. Passing out green cards to people already here doesn't change the fact that they sneak into our country. They didn't get in line and there are others who'd like to be Americans. Many illegal aliens don't want to be Americans. Much of their money is sent to Mexico. Thirty years ago it was labeled "the fleecing of America." Why can't our representative stand for our rights to not get fleeced?

Anonymous said...

Americans had a system of insurance that one could buy and get great health care. It isn't insurance to cover all who can manage to sneak into our country, in violation of our laws.

Our premiums shouldn't go up to "cover" an infinitely expanding group of people. This can't be considered insurance. That isn't how insurance works.

The system of offering perks for coming to our country illegally can be called bribery. And the consequence of this system, is a domination of America by globalists.

Globalists are wiping out our sovereignty with their thousands upon thousands of statutes, making us slaves in our own nation. And they are flooding our country with illegal aliens to do this.