Saturday, December 8, 2012

Is Speaker Boehner being forceful enough in his Fiscal Cliff negotiations with President Obama?

David Limbaugh thinks not:
Something is very wrong in the world when the most dogmatic and inflexible president in recent memory can make unreasonable demands of his GOP budget opponents and yet be confident they’ll be blamed for the impasse. 
Speaker John Boehner must quit adopting that same misleading terminology and conceding, in effect, that the “wealthy” are under taxed. He is not doing himself or the nation any good by playing into Obama’s hands and allowing him to control the language and the narrative.
Boehner needs to turn the tables on Obama and go into attack mode himself. There is no other way to deal with this destructive bully. Boehner must sprint to the national microphone and tell the American people that Obama is being unreasonable, reckless and uncompromising. 
Obama is the one who won’t address the only problem that matters: spending. He won’t budge from his intolerable demands that Republicans raise rates on the “wealthy” in exchange for his vague promise of implementing spending “cuts” in the future, his insistence on spending more money on new programs today, his steadfast refusal to put entitlement reform on the table and his demand that he be given unilateral authority to raise the budget ceiling at his whim...
Read the whole article HERE.

I think part of the problem is Boehner's personality. Even when he's mad about something he presents his rage in a soft spoken, pleasant manner. There isn't a pit bull bone in his body.....and when it comes to going for the jugular, he's apt to show up with a tourniquet to try and stop the bleeding.

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