Monday, November 12, 2012

Lest We Forget...

As we salute our veterans of many wars & campaigns for their heroism & bravery in battle, let's not forget the unsung American workers at home that were left behind. The families of soldiers, the men & women that energized the greatest industrial complex and all that supported our heroes in transportation, manufacturing, and medical industries. They came together, they all won the war for us. God Bless them all for what they did.

These 4x5 Kodachrome transparencies capture forever that "can do" spirit of America. I hope you enjoy the look back at the US in one of its finest eras, with those known as the 'Greatest Generation."

Friends, we will also fight on to preserve what our heroes died to leave us: Freedom, Liberty, Faith, and Hope for a better day for those that follow us.  What do YOU say America?

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