Thursday, October 25, 2012

Obama Makes the Case for Romney

I've seen bits and pieces of the following floating around, but I've not seen these arguments put together and succinctly like this. Perhaps you have, I got it from a friend on facebook. Thanks Michael.
The President has a new line of criticism to Romney.

"When it comes to our foreign policy, you seem to want to import the foreign policies of the 1980s, just like the social policies of the 1950s and the economic policies of the 1920s," -Barack Obama to Mitt Romney.

So let me get this straight... If we elect Romney we will return to a foreign policy of peace through strength? The foreign policy of Ronald Reagan which brought down the Evil Empire and made the world a safer place.

If we elect Romney we will return to the moral principles of the America of the 1950s, before the hippies counter-revolution? We will return America to a time when we had Dwight Eisenhower in the White House, a deeply decent man who always tried to do what was in the best interest of the entire nation.

If we elect Mitt Romney we will return to the economic policies of the 1920s? So we will return to the America of Calvin Coolidge when we had the period of highest prosperity and economic growth the world has ever known.

According to Barack Obama if we vote for Mitt Romney we will have the foreign policy of Ronald Reagan, the moral decency of Dwight Eisenhower, and the economic prosperity of Calvin Coolidge... Not bad. Not bad at all.

Team Romney in Boston has not been able to make a better case for Romney than Obama has.
Instapundit also stumbled on the theme. 

1 comment:


"And you, Mr. President, want to import the foreign policy of the 1970's, the social policy of the 1960's, and the economic policy of the 1930's."

I hate to sound like a Monday morning quarterback, but Romney could have permanently crushed Obama with that reply.