This film explores how, four years ago, America's Survival, Inc. unmasked Barack Obama's communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, and released his 600-page FBI file.
Davis had been under surveillance for 19 years, suspected of espionage, and on the FBI's "security index." ASI President Cliff Kincaid discusses how Davis was identified and his identity confirmed.
Journalist Cliff Kincaid calls The Unvetted, "one of the most extraordinary cover-ups in American history -- how a presidential candidate with a covert connection to a major Communist Party operative was protected by the major liberal and conservative media."
"Four years after we broke the story wide open, with the release of a 600-page FBI file on Barack Obama's communist mentor, we are still finding major elements of the media with their heads in the sand," Kincaid said, in announcing the official release of the new film. Kincaid is a veteran Washington journalist with more than 30 years of experience.
Kincaid also examines how the media continue to ignore the story of the century. See: for conference videos and reports from ASI's July 19 "Vetting Obama" conference.
Kincaid is the president of America's Survival, Inc. (ASI) and recently held a Washington, D.C. conference on "The Vetting" of Barack Obama. They have allowed the 30 minute film "The Unvetted" to available for viewing for free via YouTube.
Wouldn't you think that Hillary Clinton would have jumped on this story? If she had, she would have saved her candidacy for president...!
@Dotty042, liberals don't understand what's bad about communism or socialism. They know right now Obama's affiliations with communists and socialists. They still want Obama.
Michael Medved had an interview today with a cold war historian who has just completed a book about Obama's mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. It was an interesting interview; Davis is (like all of Obama's mentors) amazingly Communist and corrupt. Apparently, he made porn in his spare time. Why would Obama's grandparents and mother choose Frank Marshall Davis as a role model for a young, fatherless black boy? This should be an interesting read.
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