Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Democratic Convention: If You Bus them, They will Come

It seems that in order to fill up the seats at their convention, they are resorting to busing folks in. I guess there isn't as much interest this time around in President Obama's reelection bid or his speech on Thursday. Even some of the Democratic heavy hitters have something else to do.
College students from across North Carolina will arrive in Charlotte by the busload. Same with members of predominantly black churches in neighboring South Carolina.

Their goal: help fill a 74,000-seat outdoor stadium to capacity when President Obama accepts the Democratic nomination Thursday night.

Elena Botella, a student at Duke University and president of the College Democrats of North Carolina, said her school was busing 100 students to the speech.

Lonnie Randolph, the president of the South Carolina chapter of the NAACP, said several large black churches in his state are planning to send busloads of members on Thursday to watch the president's speech.
Read the full story HERE.

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Terrye said...

I wonder if they will pay them a bonus for a standing ovation?

Anonymous said...

Crash the party, people!!! Get tickets, and go heckle...

Frozone said...

Hey Bosman, I modified the caption of the empty chair to say:

They come...

Where can I email it?

Frozone said...

I put it up on Flikr, if you want to grab it...


Anonymous said...

It's even worse than that:

Democrats set to move Obama's big speech from 74,000-seater outdoor stadium to 20,000-seater indoor arena

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2198206/Democrats-set-Obamas-big-speech-74-000-seater-outdoor-stadium-20-000-seater-indoor-arena.html#ixzz25X6IhFNV

BOSMAN said...

Than you Frozone. I like yours better than mine.

Frozone said...

Your welcome. Thanks for the inspiration.