Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Flashback - Obama & Romney: Mubarak must go

President Obama: "Mubarak must go."

Mitt Romney one day later: "Mubarak must go"

Sarah Palin: "Who will be taking the place of Mubarak?"

Who's the "dumb" one?


Anonymous said...

Wow. What a significant post. As if Sarah could really tell the future, right? I am pretty confident in a perfect world she could have been the nominee, right? But instead she didn't ever enter the race, right? I guess to each their own, right? I am certain the world views her as a hawk when it comes to foreign policy, right? Is this the message of this post? Don't think so...

n4cer said...

This is not about Sarah telling the future. It is a realistic approach to any change. So you get rid of a dictator. Shouldn't the next logical question be, who are you replacing them with? Especially, if we have evidence that there is a faction who tend to be radical and they have influence (Muslim Brotherhood), shouldn't we be concerned? A little Critical Thinking please.

Right Wingnut said...

Thanks, n4cer. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Palin wasn't the only one warning about who would replace Mubarak, but she was one of the first to do so, when it may not have been politically popular. Romney gave the standard "finger in the wind" statement.

Anonymous said...

I read your links. Mitt Romney said:
America should make clear "that we would like to see a transition to permanent democracy — not just a one time, one vote and then the extremists take over but instead a permanent democracy with the rule of law with support for the allies that have existed in the past,," Romney said.

Such a transition "would be best undertaken if President Mubarak were to step out of the way or lead the transition,"


The only thing Palin said about Mubarak in your link was:

“And nobody yet has, nobody yet has explained to the American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak and no, not, not real enthused about what it is that that’s being done on a national level and from D.C. in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt."

(i.e., I'm sure the White House knows more than we do (sarc)).

I had to translate because sifting through her words is challenging. She tends to use 6 words when 1 will do.

BOSMAN said...

Here's a REALITY CHECK question for you RWN:

HOW THE HELL does your post, help defeat Obama?

Romney IS the nominee. To compare him now with Obama doesn;t help get him elected DOES IT?

THAT IS, what WE ALL are trying to do now, RIGHT?

We wouldn't want Romney to lose, RIGHT?

Tell me HOW THIS POST helps him get elected?

Anonymous said...

RW is still having wet dreams over a Palin 2016 run.

Right Wingnut said...


Tell me how my post on this blog will have an effect on the election. Seriously.

People with a lot more reach than us have this information. It's not exactly a secret.

BOSMAN said...

You DIDN'T answer my question:

HOW THE HELL does your post, help defeat Obama?

Right Wingnut said...

It doesn't help, and it doesn't hurt. Much like the posts last month about Palin supposedly trying to hijack the convention. How did that help Romney get elected? At least I used facts.

Delete the post if it bothers you that much.

BOSMAN said...


"YOU" do want to defeat Obama, DOIN'T YOU"

So now, it's 2 questions to answer. I don;t think they require much thought....Or at least that's what I'm assuming.

Anonymous said...

Romney's statement was accurate...Mubarek must go. Not because America said so, but because the people of Egypt were ready to have a revolution. Just saying a brutal dictator might be better than what's coming next does absolutely NOTHING to change the reality of what did and has taken place. Should the U.S. have sent troops in to keep Mubarek in power??? NO PRESIDENT would have done that...not even Sarah. The failings came not with the recognition that Mubarek must go, but instead with the administrations decision to lead from behind from there on out.

Trying to point to this as a Romney failing is worthless and is nothing more than a personal statement of your disdain for Mitt.

I see no overarching wisdom and courage to just go on TV and declare that what we'll get is worse than Mubarek. It may have been true, but what did it do to solve the problem? She didn't advocate for propping Mubarek up, or sending troops in to insure that America got the outcome we wanted...all she did was say that we don't want something worse filling the vacuum. That IS the position that Romney took when you see his full statement. There is simply no "there" there in this attack against Mitt.


Right Wingnut said...

Yes, I would prefer Obama to be defeated. However, I don't carry water for Mitt Romney. Nor will my vote in MN have an effect on the results. I'll probably vote for Gary Johnson. If I lived in Ohio, it would likely be different.

Anonymous said...


Did that J guy ever write that rebuttal that he said he was working on?


BOSMAN said...

Palin..Palin...It always goes back to Palin for you doesn't it?

Why was Palin the LAST to endorse Romney?

Why is she pushing this, Romney needs to do this....Romney needs to do that..DO YOU THINK she may secretly want Romney TO LOSE and has some DELUSION about running in 2016. After all, it's closer than 2020, AFTER Romney's 2 terms.

BOSMAN said...

Hey...AJR...Got your Romney/Ryan 2012 bumper sticker up?

Anonymous said...

Hey Bosman,

Didn't buy a bumper sticker but I am a solid supporter of Romney/Ryan 2012.


Right Wingnut said...


No, he did not.

Anonymous said...


Why am I not surprised?


Anonymous said...

fair comment RW, but unhelpful to our cause. Hope YOU feel better though bc we don't

BOSMAN said...

Hey RWN,

Just noticed you have 325 posts. How many of those were criticisms of Obama?

Any? Want to point out a few?

Or when it comes to Obama, is there SO MUCH TO LOVE that he doesn't deserve the wrath of your posts?....Just wondering.

Right Wingnut said...

Well, for starters, the one that you're commenting on right now!

Obama is the worst president in the history of our nation. I don't need to point that out to people who read this site. It kind of goes without saying. The GOP needs more people willing to call out their own side.

Anonymous said...

The answer is simple, the dumb one is the one who's foreign policy experience is having seen russia from alaska, or botching the paul revere history.

Anonymous said...

No need for the Palin bashing. She was right about the vacuum that Mubarek's exit would create. I just think that tearing down Romney because Palin didn't use the phrase "Mubarek must go" and Romney did is misleading.

Romney said essentially the same thing...the need for Egypt to treat this as an opportunity to move forward to freedom not backwards.

I don't see the need to continue to drive the Romney/Palin narrative for both sides. If Romney loses, then he will fade away and the purity project moves on to Christie I guess...he becomes the new boogeyman for "true conservatives." The Romney ship has left the station and his supporters still fighting against Sarah and Sarah's fighting against Mitt is a worthless endeavor at this point. Mitt is either on the verge of Predominance or obscurity, either way, the Romney/Sarah feud is about to end and there is absolutely is no reason to keep it going.


Anonymous said...

To Gordon:

Somebody say AMEN

To the Wingnut:


Ohio JOE said...

Great post! BTW, I do not buy bumper stickers, if a candidate or party wants to give me a sticker. Fine.

cimbri said...

First off, I don't put a lot of stock in opinions with no consequences. Romney's statements are listened to by the whole world. Pundits can say whatever they like, which is exactly why they never run for anything. Romney knew Mubarek was on his way out and that he was in bad health. He's either dead or almost dead so it's kind of a dumb post. If Romney were president, he could have possibly affected the succession but as it is, all he could was watch like the rest of us not in the US Govt.

cimbri said...

She's a ditz. Read her words. My main issue with her is she won't just tell her delusional supporters that she has no political future, unless its by appoitment.