Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Conservative media pundits: With friends like these...WHO NEEDS ENEMIES

Why am I reading articles like this: (You don't need to actually read them...My point is THEY'RE THERE along with several others):

Let's zoom in on this "Conservative Criticism"

I'd like someone to point out in the comments below, where i can find some "Liberal Criticism" of Obama.

Go AHEAD...Try and find some.

Why do conservative pundits (UNLIKE THE LIBERAL ONES) feel the need to EAT THEIR OWN? to DISSECT everything Romney says and does. Do they not think the liberals are being hard enough? Got to get your 2 cents in?

My advise to those BLOW HARDS....if "YOU" really want to beat Obama...start acting like LIBERAL PUNDITS the way they treat their candidate.

BTW, Fox News isn't doing Romney any favors. Other than Krauthammer, Rowe, and Hannity, Fox seem to feel they have to PICK APART everything Romney says or does.

What Conservatives need is a conservative version of MSNBC...You know, everything Obama does is wonderful...Everything Romney does SUCKS only in reverse.


Next time one of you conservative pundits feels the urge to criticize OUR CANDIDATE..HOLD YOUR BREATH..until one of your liberal counterparts criticizes Obama!

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Bob said...

I've been feeling this frustration for quite some time now. Thank you for putting it into words

Anonymous said...

They have NEVER wanted Romney to win. They want him to LOSE. They want to be able to say, "I told you so." Add Laura Ingraham to this bunch of inside-the-beltway talkers, scratch that, whiners. They are frauds. In it for their own publicitiy.

There are legitimate complaints about the style of ANY campaign. Try Obama's. If you've got something critical, even highly critical, to say about the Romney campaign, say it directly to his team. Why would you publicly broadcast your gripes at this point--except because you KNOW it will get you MSM coverage. Laura, Kristol, Frum, Scarborough, even Krauthammer--they're lapping it up.

I ignore them and feel a whole lot better. Don't listen to them, because I know what their game is. When Romney is in the White House, may they all be far, far down on the invite list.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bos, tell us how you really feel.

Terrye said...

I absolutely agree. I actually called Kristol's office and left a message for him to shut the hell up..as for Noonan, she supported Obama in 2008.

Pam said...

I have to say I echo the sentiments expressed here. Noonan is such a dissapointment. Of course she isn't by herself. There are others on the network along with the GOP in Sheep's clothing running for seats in liberal districts distancing themselves from Romney by pandering to their liberal constituants. Scott Brown, I'm looking at you!

Pam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kelly said...

You've manage to sum up the current media atmosphere for this election.

Conservatives need to zip it unless they have something positive to say about Romney or negative about Obama.

Anonymous said...

Also remember these are the guys that told us Romney was the only one who could beat Obama. The establishment pushed Romney on us and conservatives support him and now the establishment is telling us how bad he is. This is why no one trusts these pundits anymore. The are all for their own arse...

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 9:16pm: I have to disagree that any of these folks promoted Romney at any time during the primaries. Romney won the GOP nomination DESPITE them.

-Kristol wanted Rubio, Ryan, anyone but Romney.
-Laura said she was "neutral," but she has savaged Mitt and even criticized Ann when she needed a ratings boost (and, boy, does she need a boost; her numbers are flagging).
-George Will out-and-out despises Romney. He wanted to push Mitt out the door from the very beginning, still does.
-Scarborough was in love with Huntsman.
-Noonan is living off past glory, having written speeches for Reagan. Do you mind telling me what she's achieved since then other than write a book about John Paul II?
-Even Krauthammer has never missed an opportunity to point out something that Mitt said or did that was "stupid" or "incomprehensible," i.e., in the mind of this erudite former maven of the pseudo-moderate Democrat NEW REPUBLIC.

Only Limbaugh, Levin, and Coulter are proving themselves patriots, manning the battle stations to wrest this election away from Obama. And Limbaugh and Levin are anything but Romney fans. So, that leaves Coulter. She's more manly and womanly than all of them combined. And, yes (as she once said), Romney OWES her.

Anonymous said...

I canceled the weekly standard because I got so fed up with Kristol's arrogance. What's up with fox? I couldn't believe they had the losers Noonan and Rollins on the Fox as supposed GOP strategists. Don't they realize that conservatives didn't watch these imposters on the network stations?

cimbri said...

They are doing a lot of damage. I have seen countless articles in the msm, "even Republicans are criticizing Romney", etc. The msm, with the "conservative" traitors are working together to cause us to lose, by depressing turnout, etc. Wapo and NYT are pushing it hard. Then is becomes a narrative. Romney just has to be out there everyday, pushing and upsetting their narrative.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better myself! Romney may not be 100% perfect when you compare him to Reagan, but he is when you compare him to Obama - without a doubt! Anyone who wants to critize and weaken Romney so Obama can win isn't a conservative.

Doug NYC GOP said...


One of your best!

Kristol is a smarmy, self satisfied jerk and Peggy Noonan justs wants to be relevant and remain employed by MSNBC/Morning Schmoe.

Romney is going to win this w/o them and despite the Media carrying the Socialist Pig's water.

Obama is a disgrace. The blood of our Ambassador is on his corrupt hands.

Jackass needs to be punted from office by a good swift kick to his ass.

Keep up the great work.
