Saturday, August 4, 2012

Team Obama Files suit to restrict military voting

On July 17th, the Obama for America Campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and the Ohio Democratic Party filed suit in OH to strike down part of that state's law governing voting by members of the military. Their suit said that part of the law is "arbitrary" with "no discernible rational basis."
Currently, Ohio allows the public to vote early in-person up until the Friday before the election. Members of the military are given three extra days to do so. While the Democrats may see this as "arbitrary" and having "no discernible rational basis," I think it is entirely reasonable given the demands on servicemen and women's time and their obligations to their sworn duty.
Read the full story HERE.

This will probably make Obama less popular with our veterans...if that's possible.

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Ohio JOE said...

Hopefully, this will backfire on Mr. Obama and the Democrats. It is a sign that Mr. Obama does not have Ohio (and other swing states) in the bag.

Anonymous said...

Hi OJ, good to see you. So you really think the administration is doing this to suppress military votes in the great state of Ohio? I think so but I'm not "boots on the ground" in Ohio. Do you think Ohioans will care about this?


Anonymous said...

OF course, this isn't actually true. If you read the actual suit, you'd find they're trying to get the state of Ohio to grant extended voting to civilians, not take it away from military personnel.

Stop reading Breitbart and Fox News.

Ohio JOE said...

"If you read the actual suit, you'd find they're trying to get the state of Ohio to grant extended voting to civilians, not take it away from military personnel." To what end? Somehow I do not think that you are an Ohio election judge Anonymous and you have no idea what kind of election fraud Ohio Democrats are trying to pull. Stop listening to NPR.

BTW, hello AZ. I think many Ohioans in my part of the state respect those with military service. So they will not like this if they find out about it, but it is not a headline news story here.