President Obama is trying to prevent thousands of layoff notices from going out a few days before the November election, Sen. Jame Inhofe (R-Okla.) said on Tuesday.In an effort to keep the slips from going out before the General election, Assistant Labor Secretary Jane Oates put out new guidelines on Monday.
Obama's Labor Department on Monday issued "guidance" to the states, telling them that a federal law requiring advance notice of mass layoffs does not apply to the layoffs that may occur in January as a result of automatic budget cuts known as "sequestration."
"(T)he president doesn't really want all these pink slips going out five days before the election," Inhofe said.
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One of my brothers is facing a possible pink slip before the election. Defense contractors are facing an unknown future and may be laying employees off. This is another ploy by the administration to fool people into believing everything is hunky dory when it isn't. I hope the administration doesn't get away with it.
Great image for "hope-nosis." Thank Bosman, for your great site.
I hope he gets nailed for this. This from a guy who is trying to paint mitt as a corporate raider who likes to fire people.
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