Friday, August 10, 2012

Newt Gingrich on the Morning Joe (Full Interview (08-09-12)

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Anonymous said...

Sorry Newt. I just can't get over the fact that YOU were the 1st one in this race to attack Romney as a greedy corporate raider. Doesn't that make him the wrong guy to be making any comment against Obama's campaign tactics? Pretty sad, no?

Anonymous said...

hmmm.... No. Nothing sad about it. If obama's campaign tactics are despicable then it doesn't matter who points it out. What IS sad, is that liberals like you come to conservative blog sites and try to bury the message by shooting at the messenger. It's too bad, so sad, that you can't defend your "sort of a God" POTUS on his actual merits.

Anonymous said...

hmmm.... No. Nothing sad about it. If obama's campaign tactics are despicable then it doesn't matter who points it out. What IS sad, is that liberals like you come to conservative blog sites and try to bury the message by shooting at the messenger. It's too bad, so sad, that you can't defend your "sort of a God" POTUS on his actual merits.