Thursday, August 30, 2012

LIVE FEEDS: The 2012 Republican National Convention from Tampa, FL (August 30)


If you missed today's speakers, I'll have the videos posted early Friday (after 2AM EST) morning at Right Speak.

Welcome to Right Speak's Coverage of The 2012 Republican National Convention from Tampa, FL. Coverage will be spotty on the non-cable feeds below. Your best bet will be to stick with Fox News, CNN, and C-SPAN Feeds and check the schedules below.

When available, I will post various feeds for your enjoyment throughout the convention. I will post them above the banner bellow.

Schedule of Events

Please Note:

1. DO NOT download any software or plugins from any of the feeds below.
2. Let the ads run their course and the video feed should start on it's own. You may need to wait 15-20 seconds with a blank screen for the feed to buffer.
3. When pop-up ads occur, simply click the small "x" in the upper right hand corner of the ad to close it.
4. If the feed seems slow, it's probably your internet connection. try a different feed. If you get the same results, it is::

Click the desired button bellow to open that feed:

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