Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mitt Romney event in Dubuque, Iowa (FULL VIDEO 06-18-12)

Mitt Romney held an event on the 'Spirit of Debuque' on Monday where he spoke to a boatload of people.
As the Spirit of Dubuque river boat paddled its way on a short cruise north from the Port of Dubuque to Lock and Dam 11 on a steaming, sun-splashed Monday afternoon on the Mississippi River, presidential candidate Mitt Romney regaled about 100 supporters and volunteers to his campaign with a 15-minute speech on his values of family, faith and the Constitution, while also charging President Obama’s policies with dragging down the economy.
The full story is HERE and the video below:

You can find some great photos of the event HERE.

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1 comment:

Machtyn said...

And he got to drive the boat a bit!