1* I’m going to read you a short list of issues in the news. For each, please let me know which presidential candidate you trust more to handle that issue—Barack Obama or Mitt Romney.Economy:
Mitt Romney 49%
Barack Obama 39%
Health care:
Mitt Romney 46%
Barack Obama 42%
National security:
Barack Obama 45%
Mitt Romney 42%
Mitt Romney 47%
Barack Obama 42%
Energy Policy:
Mitt Romney 45%
Barack Obama 43%
National survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted April 10-11, 2012. The MOE is +/-3%.The full story is HERE.
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Give it time, folks. Mitt will continue to grow stronger and stronger in the months to come.
The dirty little secret, jealously guarded by the D.C. Insiders, is that Obama is an AWFUL president. He peaked early, right around the time he won the Nobel Peace Prize (in his first year in office). He's accomplished everything he needs to do. He proved, once and for all, that the U.S. is not too bigoted a nation to elect a black man as president. This is a tremendous achievement for our country. I mean that sincerely. Obama was the recipient and the agent of this break-through symbolic moment in our history.
But now it's time to move on. There's an enormous amount of work to do. And Romney--not Obama--is the man to get it done. Give it time, folks. Most American voters will come to see it this way.
And these results were achieved with a press who lies and manipulates. Just think how well Romney will do when he wins the "hide and seek" campaign.
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