Tuesday, April 17, 2012

David Brooks Still Likes The Crease In Obama's Pants

"Conservative" New York Times columnist, David Brooks  must have bumped his head on the way to his keyboard before he wrote this. Either that, or he's still enamoured with the crease in Obama's pants.

He starts off being critical of Obama's failure to address the debt crisis. He subsequently proceeds to regurgitate the talking points given to him by the administration. Finally, he summarizes that Obama is really fiscally conservative, who hasn't done anything yet to address the fiscal crisis....or something. I don't know. Maybe someone else can make sense of this rubbish. My head still hurts from reading it.
....I’m not going to pass my own comprehensive judgment on this here. I’ll just say that my conversations reaffirm my conviction that Obama is a pragmatic liberal who cares about fiscal sustainability, who has been willing to compromise for its sake, but who has not offered anything close to a sufficient program to avoid a debt crisis.

But we have a campaign in front of us. If the president is truly committed to a strategy for progressive fiscal stability, as Bill Clinton was, he’ll make that the center of his campaign. He’ll earn a mandate. He’ll win over independents who want fiscal discipline but worry about the way Republicans get there....
The entire article is here

Cross posted at Redstate


Anonymous said...

In reality, since the beginning of the Obama administration, Media Matters has shared regular meetings and weekly phone calls with the White House to coordinate messaging, their messages are sync'd. David Brock, the head of Media Matters, did hold a meeting at the White House in June 2010 with Varlerie Jarrett who is the highest advisor to Obama.

Our media has been acutely quiet when it counts, cowardly, derelict, and delinquent. There is coordination at the highest level to manipulate media headlines.

RW is feeding us rubbish. The New York Times doesn't hire conservative columnists. David Brooks is a frequent analyst on NPR. Obama is the biggest spender in the history of the world. And Obama is an extremely radical Leftist/socialist. What tripe.

The smallest first step of fiscal responsibility is making a budget. Obama NEVER has. If Obama wanted America to be economically sustainable, he'd stop blocking her from using our energy resources, and he'd stop giving our resources to Russia and Brazil.

RW your head hurts from trying to think your propaganda has a shred of reality. Your delinquent and derelict masters are never going to make sense so save yourself the headache and don't strain yourself trying to think. It isn't working anyway.

BTW, talking about Obama's pants sounds gay.

Right Wingnut said...


I'm not sure what your bitch is. This is an anti-Obama post. I can go back to bashing Romney if you prefer.

Did you notice my use of quotes around the word "conservative?" Evidently not.

As for the line about Obama's pants...

...In the spring of 2005, New York Times columnist David Brooks arrived at then-Senator Barack Obama’s office for a chat. Brooks, a conservative writer who joined the Times in 2003 from The Weekly Standard, had never met Obama before. But, as they chewed over the finer points of Edmund Burke, it didn’t take long for the two men to click. “I don’t want to sound like I’m bragging,” Brooks recently told me, “but usually when I talk to senators, while they may know a policy area better than me, they generally don’t know political philosophy better than me. I got the sense he knew both better than me.”

That first encounter is still vivid in Brooks’s mind. “I remember distinctly an image of--we were sitting on his couches, and I was looking at his pant leg and his perfectly creased pant,” Brooks says, “and I’m thinking, a) he’s going to be president and b) he’ll be a very good president.” In the fall of 2006, two days after Obama’s The Audacity of Hope hit bookstores, Brooks published a glowing Times column. The headline was “Run, Barack, Run.”....


Pay more attention before you spout off next time.

deila taylor said...

nice post RW -- you have a great lead to this post with the bumped head and creased pants! I like your new attitude, going after Obama. thx :)

Anonymous said...

At least we had an inkling who you really are when you were bashing Romney. What I have against you is your lying.

Also, you just wrote a post about Romney's path to victory, and that it MUST include Rubio. That was insane.

And this post advertising Brooks' tripe is unclear at the end that you're quoting Brooks from his article. So you are re-hashing rubbish, and sharing rubbish.

Brooks is not conservative or he wouldn't be saying Obama still has an opportunity to prove he's a fiscal conservative. There's no humor involved in identifying Brooks as a quote conservative. It is not funny in the least.

It is purely evil to suggest Obama has any chance to convince anyone he's fiscally responsible. And it is evil to discuss Obama's imaginary 2013 budget. Obama let America hang while he pursued his evil ObamaCare.

While you claim to be sarcastic about Brooks, you obviously think his rubbish is worth your attention. NONSENSE. You are "sharing" your Leftist propaganda the way Brooks shares his with NPR.

Right Wingnut said...


Please sign your name to the bottom of your comments from now on, or they will be deleted.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Unknown said...

Obama worries me, because he might start talking like a fiscal conservative, going into the election. We had some talk about David Axelrod promoting Romney by accident. I didn't get that message from Darth-Vader; I think his message was that Obama has't had time to change the whole system yet; currently, USA is still a capitalist paradigm ("the way things are"). Give Obama another term and he will get there. Far-left-Dems know what they are promising to the base; and then, Obama may speak freely whatever words are needed (to the independents) to stay in power. I fear these guys.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm paying attention alright. You just vibrated again about Obama's pants.

I also noticed that your smirking quote waxed lyrical about Brooks'devotion to Obama. Brooks isn't a conservative writer, and being sarcastic is vastly inadequate in characterizing such a vile claim.

Obama is not intelligent, at least English isn't his first language, and he never attended Columbia as he has claimed. This was proven in a court case. He never attended there, and he had poor grades in high school and at Occidental.

So Obama did not attend Harvard due to his proven academic ability.

INS said the parents Obama claims never even lived together. They were not married either. And Obama's mother was not 18 years old plus nine months when he was born.

Brooks was in love with Obama in 2006. That says it all for me. And I find anything he has to say of little interest at 'Conservative Speak.'

Brooks thought Obama was well informed, so we can all see how funny it is that you are quoting Brooks.

Your quote makes my point for me: "It didn't take long for the two men to 'click'."

You lied again when you said you weren't sure what I objected to in your article. But for the slow learners here it is again:

'RW is feeding us rubbish. The New York Times doesn't hire conservative columnists. David Brooks is a frequent analyst on NPR.

Obama is the biggest spender in the history of the world. And Obama is an extremely Leftwing radical socialist. What tripe.

The smallest first step of fiscal responsibility is making a budget. Obama NEVER has. If Obama wanted America to be economically sustainable, he'd stop blocking her from using our energy resources, and he'd stop giving our resources to Russia and Brazil."

Your rebuttal quote not only increases the gay flavor, but your sexual swear word suggests a heavy breathing misogynist.

Right Wingnut said...


First off, everyone knows it's you.

Second, I know I said I was going to delete your unsigned comments, but I'm going to leave that one up as a reminded to everyone how mentally unstable you are.

Right Wingnut said...

By the way, Pastel, you don't have to convince me that Brooks isn't a conservative.

Please explain to me why Romney quoted him in his closing statement at Huckabee's forum in January? Was he trying to win over the David Brooks Republicans?


I think you should keep your ramblings confined to the chat box to avoid further embarrassment.

Right Wingnut said...

Regarding the video link in my last comment, Romney's closing statement starts @ 73:20.

Anonymous said...

You deleted more of my comments so you're hiding

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Right Wingnut said...


If you log on, or at least sign your comments, I'll leave them up. Even the nasty ones.

Right Wingnut said...

By the way, we both know the real reason you oppose Rubio for VP.

Anonymous said...

If you are a conservative, David Brooks' opinion pieces are not worth your time. He writes to receive plaudits from the New York Times' dwindling readership and, in this case, from the Obama administration. That's it. End of discussion. He's part of the "elite" NY & DC media's love fest with Obama. As such, Brooks' piece has nothing to say about conservatives or to conservatives. It's transparent that he thinks Obama will win in November, and believes he deserves to win.

For all these reasons, Brooks should be ignored. We don't have time for his ilk.

Right Wingnut said...

Anon, at xx:49

In case you missed, I was mocking him.

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry that you had to put up with Pastel or Lori in the comment box. I agree that David Brooks statement is completely unintelligible. I really don't see how a person can defend Obama as a fiscal conservative considering the fact that the ONLY proposals Obama really gives to decrease the deficit are about tax increases. His budgets are sketchy, and even his own Dem colleagues haven't passed a budget in over two years. How can you be "fiscally conservative" and not even HAVE a budget? I wish that would work for my own personal household; I could take all the trips I want, and buy everything I want and never have to decide if I can pay for them or not. How convenient. :-)


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Anonymous said...

http://www.redstate.com/leon_h_wolf/2012/01/23/1000-days-still-no-obama-budget/ It has been over 1086 days, and Obama never submitted a budget. AZ, don't blame Obama's own Dem colleagues.