Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sarah Palin Endorses Romney

Well, not really, but her criticism is the best way for Romney to pick up independents. In October, when the Obama campaign tries to portray Romney as a right wing lunatic, Romney can just play back the comments of Palin, Newt, and the rest of the talk radio entourage. Sarah Palin is so repulsive to the overwhelming majority of America. Her anti-endorsement is like an endorsement.

So keep those comments coming, Sarah! Hopefully they will help you sell another crappy book while Romney leads the country.


Anonymous said...

Bingo. If I were Romney,I would beg Palin not to endorse my candidacy.

Anonymous said...

Just stumbled across this site. Thought I'd check it out. Thought it was a conservative site. My bad.

Good luck with your plastic candidate in the general with this horseshit attitude.

I don't know who you are, Pablo, but my guess is your sitting in your mom's basement with your dick in your hand, while Sarah Palin has accomplished things you could only dream of.


Anonymous said...

rw strikes again . . .


Slick-Willy said...

LOL. The originality of the "living in your mothers basement" attack is what really causes the chuckle. You did spice it up w/a reference to masturbation though, so that has to count for something.

I'm sure "conservatives" are thrilled to have you on their side Freddie!

As for me, I'll continue analyzing people/arguments based on known reality rather than projecting. Solid post Pablo.

Anonymous said...

Are you referring to her ghost written books of lies and fantasies? If so, you can pick one up at the Dollar Store, they display them near the toilet paper.

Anonymous said...

Rumors has it that Newt is begging Sarah and Todd to get the hell out of his life. He is begging her to sit down and shut the hell up.

Anonymous said...

@ Rightwing, AKA Freddis...Somehow I find it impossible to believe that the quitter would be so concerned if the negative information were more focused on Romney.

It has become clear that Palin is all for watching a political bloodsport, but ONLY if her chosen gladiator, the Newt, is not the one lying on the sand at the end waiting for the "electorate" to give either the thumbs up, or thumbs down signal, that will dictate his fate.

We may need to stop screwing with Palin's head. She is not only back in front of the roaring fire, essentially giving us the middle finger for teasing about the background change, but she is also wearing some excrement colored scarf to hide her aging wattle, after you guys made fun of her old turkey neck.

Clearly what Snowdrift Snooki needs to do is dye her wig pink and pierce her nose. THAT would make her look much hipper, and attract that younger demographic which would make her SO much more attractive to the Fox producers. Hell they might even give her a brand new show of her very own!

Publius Nemo said...

Yikes! Freddie employs such striking prose and vivid adjectives. Blind devotion to a false conservative is exactly why Sarah Palin has been able to cash in on her notoriety. Why did she quit the governorship again? Patriotism? It was money. I think the saying goes, strike while the iron is hot. Tata Alaska. Hello Hollywood!

Anonymous said...

Freddie, your post is a textbook example of the psychological phenomonon called projection.


Anonymous said...

Well I'm thinking with all the momentary attention she's getting, it's no wonder she wants the race to go on. It's the only way anyone gives her the time of day.

Anonymous said...

Dear Newt:
You know Todd endorsed you and I said I’d vote for you if I lived in South Carolina. Of course it would be a cold day in Alaska before I’d move to South Carolina, but the voters there don’t know that. Given your pathetic showing in Florida, it is clear that you need some campaigning advice. I’ve been at this a long time and here’s a few tidbits that I’ve learned:
1. Even though you lost, remain Undefeated. Someone might make a movie about you.
2. Make sure you don’t call Romney by the wrong name. I called Joe “O’Biden” in the debate, and people haven’t forgotten that.
My suggestion is that you ask him at the beginning of the debate if you can call him “Mitt” …and then wear mittens on your hands to remind you of his name. I recommend these, as they are very patriotic, so they convey the image of a man in charge!
3. Get a new wrap for your bus. The price is worth it!
4. Don’t worry about that ethics problem, just say you were completely exonerated. (a lot of people don’t even know that word).
5. If the press reports anything you don’t like, just call them names…corrupt bastards is my favorite.
6. If you take a family vacation, for God’s sake learn who Paul Revere was.
7. If you do an interview with that Katie girl, make sure you know the names of at least two U.S. Supreme Court cases.
8. For some candidates, I would recommend a beauty pageant, but not for you.
9. Ask Ronald Reagan where he went to school BEFORE you give a speech about him.
10 If you write another book, be sure you read it first.
11. If you quit before the national convention, maybe you could make a reality show. You could call it “Newt Gingrich’s Open Marriage.”
12. If you get elected President you could get even more money if you do a reality show called “Newt’s Moon.”
13. Don’t limit children to cleaning bathrooms. They could pick up our trash too! . That would also ensure they get plenty to eat.
Wink, wink,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is the funniest thread in days. Sarah is always good for a ton of laughs.

Terrye said...

It is true..Romney needs Palin like he needs Gingrich as a VP...meaning not at all.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:58. LOL!


Anonymous said...

I'm hoping this is a joke because if Romney is the nominee, he will need all of the base support he can is quite possible that the base will stay home and Romney will not win without the base...Palin can deliver a hefty portion of the base to the voters booth.


Slick-Willy said...

Jersey: " is quite possible that the base will stay home..."

Based on ... ?

I've heard this several times from diehards of another candidate and ABR types. However, this absurd claim is absolutely NOT backed up in any poll. It is only backed by the opinion of a few not-so-insightful posters in my experience.

I do agree that a big reaching out will need to happen (as it always does), but Romney being the nominee does not increase the need at all.

Anonymous said...

Slick-Willy, you're right sorry... you obviously know everything. Us not-so-insightful posters might not show up to vote come election day. And I;m not even a so-con... in fact I am closer to the moderate that Romney wishes he weren't...or says he is...


Ashley Jones said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Slick-Willy said...

Jersey -

Some days I'd probably coddle you and try to gently bring you along. Today's not that day. I feel no desire to be nice.

I don't care--at all--if you choose to vote in November. Let your conscience (or bitterness, bias, etc.) be your guide.

Again, your silly sputtering about voters staying home is simply not backed by the evidence (polls). I know you want it to be true because that's how you feel, but the next time you spout this claim is will be as baseless as the last time you claimed it.

JustMeYawn said...

I don't know about polls, but a very popular local radio host here has a large following of folks not willing to vote should Mitt get the nod. In addition, I'm seeing lots of conservative bloggers on that Not-Romney train. If what you like about Romney is that he is moderate, then it stands to reason that the conservatives do not like him for the same reason. The assumption that they want to rid us of Obama more than they are disappointed with yet another moderate candidate is just that, an assumption. Polls? On this particular subject, a poll would be like trying to gauge the depth of the ocean based on today's rainfall... not very accurate. We have many days until general election and as the Gingrich, Paul, and Romney faithful finally give way to the reality that there is no longer hope for their guy, some (if not many) will sink emotionally (sad, bitter,what ever you want to call it) and find solace in the idea of staying home to show the "establishment" that they will not take part in "another McCain" being shoved down their throats. That is the reality that may cause Romney to do something that most would think impossible; lose to the worst president in history. Do not be so close minded as to dismiss this scenario out-of-hand for your own emotionally driven beliefs. Just some advice. As for me personally, I haven't yet decided how I will handle Romney as the candidate apparent. He's not 'my guy' but I'm an independent voter with no say in the primaries in my state. I do want to vote against Obama, maybe I'll go third party, Green, to support any division of Democrats I can while still not approving the Republican strategy of mediocrity (as I see it).

JustMeYawn said...

Oops...I meant "Gingrich, Paul and Santorum faithful"