Monday, January 9, 2012

Chris Christie believes Romney is the antidote to Obama's division

In a show of strength before Tuesday's primary, Mitt Romney Sunday night rally here, with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R- N.H.

Hundreds of supporters jammed into about a half basketball court, with people along the sideline at Exeter High School, as Christie pitched Romney as the man who could unite the country after years of Obama dividing it.

“We can no longer put up with the most pessimistic man I’ve ever seen in the oval office," Christie said.


There were several protesters at the event, first chanting "Mitt kills jobs" when Romney spoke and then "Christie kills jobs" when Christie spoke.

But in an act of political jujitsu, Christie used the protesters to drive his point home.

The full story is HERE.

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Anonymous said...

Christie is good at "in your face" campaigning. It's great to have him on the Romney team.

Since I don't use the chat box, as per my husband's request, I can't help but notice RW's desire for a digital piano. In our family, there are five of us who play the piano: myself and all four of our kids. My husband doesn't, but he has been determined our children will, so together we have pushed and pulled to make sure our children play. The two college kids are really good, and the two younger are getting past the point of no return--meaning that they won't forget how to play when they get older, no matter how hard they may try!

My mom is an excellent pianist, and she told me that she would rather play my upright than my brother's digital grand. Electronic pianos will give you a perfect pitch every time, but they lack variation. I read an article about the new Conference Center organ (in Salt Lake City). They didn't want to build a pipe organ for it, and certainly didn't want to reduce the Tabernacle organ's importance, but the organists said they go tone deaf if they have to practice on an electronic organ. Pipes have variations just like strings do. RW, make sure that you make opportunities to play on your real piano so that you will develop your ears as well as your fingers! Learning to play is a great ambition and I wish you well with it.

I hope RW gets to see this comment!


Anonymous said...

AZ, interesting info about the organ.

When I played the digital at the store, I thought it was really close to a regular piano, but after we got it home, and I started playing, it was a great disappointment. I hardly ever play now. It just isn't the same thing.


Anonymous said...

I love Christie being on Mitt's team. I don't even think Mitt minds if he's overshadowed by him. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would care. His goal is to win, not necessarily to be the most popular on the stage.

I wonder what a race with Christie, Daniels, Palin, Romney, Jeb, and Ryan would have looked like. Would have been a ton of fun, unlike this race.

Romney is having a cake walk.
