Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Hunstman Ad: 'Scared Mittless'

I'm no Huntsman fan, but this is a great ad. The only thing missing is a photo of Romney hiding under his desk.

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Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a well-made ad, if you like cut and paste, and dishonest tactics.

In truth, Romney is not the slightest bit afraid of answering questions or of the media. But he is running the campaign he wants to run, and it seems to be working. I rather like the way he is snubbing FOX for the moment.

As for Huntsman, I think he has shown his true colors, and they are the reason he's less than 1% in the polls.


Anonymous said...

apparently running a unconventional campaign is ok only if your name is not Mitt Romney.

Anonymous said...

Huntsman mocks Palin and the tea party people and he is attacking Romney. To me it appears that Huntsman was assigned by Obama to do Obama's dirty work within the GOP.

Huntsman only is where he is at today because of his daddy's billions.The guy dropped out of high school to join a band. He received his GED and went on I believe to the University of Utah and majored in International business where he learned Chinese. His daddy gave him the CEO position for a few years and then he went on to purchase his governorship for Utah.

Huntsman as governor, then went on to sign the Western States Cap and Trade legislation,approved instate tuition and vehicle driver's licenses for illegal immigrants. Huntsman may have lowered some taxes, but he like Perry increased government spending.Huntsman was able to push these Democratic policies in a Republican state. I could only imagine how he would have governed in a liberal state like MA.

I guess he can't tout his own record so he has to cut and paste video and sound bytes in order to destroy Romney. I wonder if Axelrod assisted Huntsman with this ad?

Anonymous said...


At some point Romney is going to need Fox News & Talk Radio because the Mainstream Media will stab him repeatedly right in the back then toss him right under the bus. I assume there will also be a "story" about Romney's character, complete with "anonymous witnesses". It could be anything...adultry, sexual harassment, robbed poor people. It doesn't matter, the media will act like its true and demand Romney prove it isn't. If you don't think it's possible, remember that the media tried to insinuate that Palin was an accessory to murder after the Tuscon shootings. They would do the same thing to Romney with a smile on their faces. Then it will be up to evil Fox News & Talk Radio to defend him because people like Pablo's moderate heroes Frum and David Brooks will more than likely endorse Obama again.


Anonymous said...

I would just like to add that Huntsman stinks and any GOP candidate except Ron Paul would be better than him. He should run in the Democrat Primary. He would feel right at home with the Libs. I bet he is Pablo & the ReFrumlicans 2nd choice.


Anonymous said...


Couldn't have said it better myself!!


Ohio JOE said...

"I would just like to add that Huntsman stinks and any GOP candidate except Ron Paul would be better than him." I have to respectfully disagree. Dr. Paul is far from perfect, but he does not engage in the same shenenigans as characters like Mr. Huntsman and company.

Lori Patriot said...

Ron Paul is not a saint. He has attacked President Reagan and distanced himself from the party in the past. He is not a Republican. He just wants matching funds. He is the reason Obama is President. The 7% who voted for him in 2008, denied our side of the votes needed to beat Obama. Paul people are selfish. They threw the election to Obama on the flimsy excuse of "standing on principles". The PATRIOTS knew how dire it was and voted for McCain/Palin. We would have opened up drilling. We could have had conservative Supreme Court Justices appointed instead of the ones we have. We may have flipped the Senate and sent even more reinforcements to DC to purge the dark cesspool. Paul supported Nader, Code Pink and praised the communists taking over our cities now with the protests. Paul does not have the training, education, leadership, skills or ability to even get a bill passed for the past 30 years. He is a lifelong politician and never ran an office let alone a city, state or country.

Ron Paul would be a lame and disrespected President. He is viewed as a little old and naive loon who has stirred up anti-Semite feelings. Paul supporters are more concerned about legal pot and isolationism for their own safety sake than America.A vote for Paul is a vote for Obama. Good people of all faiths and good intentions need to unite to stop this dictator. The only one with the endorsements, volunteers and broad support is Romney.

Obama is bringing billions to this election and ACORN has regrouped. Paul can't go up against him. He has little money or volunteers. Choose your side. You are either for good or for the evil we have seen. Rapes, violence, bad behavior, altercations with law enforcement (they have a duty to protect public safety and small businesses) are being committed. Help us oust Obama and let Rand Paul run in 2016. This site is archived in the US Library of Congress for its importance. It has what the democrats and their paid off media friends hid. (homepage letter).

Terrye said...

Didn't anyone tell Right Wing Nut that Huntsman is a Rino? At least that is what all the purists say.

Lori Patriot said...

Terrye: Huntsman did a good job in Utah but it is a conservative state and was in good shape to begin with anyway. Huntsman was appointed by Obama to be ambassador to China (he speaks Mandarin) because he knows Huntsman was a conservative democrat.

What is impressive is Romney's record in 85% liberal Mass. He stopped the Mass. Care bill from being much worse. He vetoed 8 times but they have a veto proof majority. Heritage Foundation & Newt & Rush praised what his team did there. FLIP FLOPPERS>

Ohio JOE said...

"He is the reason Obama is President. The 7% who voted for him in 2008, denied our side of the votes needed to beat Obama." Huh, Dr. Paul got 7% of the vote. I must of missed that. He was not even on the ballot on my state of about 54 other states.

Lori Patriot said...

Paul was polling at about 5-7% when he dropped out. His zealot supporters voted for him anyway or did not vote at all. I spoke with many on patriot chats. They worship Paul like an idol, despite that he has done little but parrot what Republican Eisenhower and G. Edward Griffin spoke about in 1960's (JFK discussed secret societies too--see You Tube). They refused to vote for the ticket and Paul says he won't endorse anyone this time. They know how dire the situation is and yet they continue to trash Romney and distort his record. It's despicable. We need a vetted, proven leader. Romney has done EXACTLY what needs to be done to DC. He scares the left and right as they know he is a reformer. He did it in Liberal Massachusetts. Romney never passed Amnesty or abortion law like Reagan did. Romney was never a democrat like Reagan was. Romney was more neutral on abortion until he considered what the the democrats were doing by pushing abortion and stem cell research. He personally always been Pro Life.He just believes that the voters of Mass. wanted Pro Choice laws, so why campaign against it.

Ohio JOE said...

"His zealot supporters voted for him anyway or did not vote at all." Sounds like a good illustration of Ellie and company.

Machtyn said...

WOW! OJ, you've finally said something I agree with. I think even Ron Paul would be far better than Huntsman. I think RPaul would be better than Rick Perry and Herman Cain (but in different ways).

The problem, as others have pointed out, is that they would all be lame duck presidents. With the division there is in the country, I have my doubts that either Obama or Romney can be anything more than lame duck presidents.

We shall see.