Former Secretary of State James A. Baker III said Thursday that Mitt Romney would be the Republicans’ strongest nominee against President Obama, arguing that the former Massachusetts governor’s private-sector experience would resonate with voters in swing states.The full story is HERE.
“I think that Romney would be our strongest candidate in the fall,” Mr. Baker said at the International Republican Institute’s annual dinner, where he was given the organization’s Freedom Award.
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I don't think Mitt has what the voters are looking for. He is too liberal, his flip flop issues are going to be an issue. And I do not believe he can carry Super Tuesday. The voters are reaching out to the other candidates and unless the GOP can really insure change, the party may have to sit out another 4 years.
Mitt Romney has exactly what voters are looking for. He is conservative, while not being an angry. By Super Tuesday, this will all be over. The voters know that Mitt Romney is the only candidate who can ensure change. The party cannot afford another 4 years of Barack Obama.
Wow! This Anonymous person sure is a flip-flopper.
yes, the voters are reaching out and getting the only one who acts, thinks, has the experience, knowledge to BE an effective president. W. Mitt Romney. And, in a year from now, President Elect Romney.
There appears to be a lot of confusion from the right, regarding the term flip-flop. Moving to the right or left is not flip flopping. A flip flop is when you change your mind, then change it back again, hence, flip - flop. Get it?
What is really interesting is that no other news sight has mentioned this article which tells me the fix is in and we will have 4 more years of Obama. It is quite amazing to see how the supposed conservative pundits promote serial adulterers like Newt and candidates like Cain with multiple sexual harassment allegations as their top picks. If the GOP nominates a Cain or a Gingrich,as a woman with 2 daughters I will not vote for them in the general election. I will also make it a point to register as an Independent in the future. If Cain is so innocent why doesn't he release his employment records at NRA.
Reagan was a democrat, passed Amnesty and abortion legislation. Romney was forced to raise taxes thanks to the dismantling of our military by the 2nd worst President Carter. Most people in business keep their personal views to themselves and try to be moderate since they are employers. Gov. Romney lives a conservative life. He has not flip flopped on major issues like staying with the same woman for 43 years, the same company, the same values.
I meant to say that Reagan was forced to raise taxes thanks to Carter. Romney worked hard at solving issues and cut departments, waste, spending, paid off massive deficit and still left a huge surplus that the democrats blew through as soon as he left office.
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