Thursday, October 6, 2011

Newt Gingrich: On whether he would consider the Vice Presidency

There is more to this story HERE.

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1 comment:

Roxxa said...

Ideas are just ideas unless you can implement them -- and Gingrich CAN IMPLEMENT THEM. In fact, this time around, we need a president with deep legislative savvy to get huge program of reform through the legislative process. No one is better suited to that than former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Romney is not a Conservative. When he left office as Governor of Massachusetts, it may as well have been governed by a Democrat. Cain's plan is deeply flawed by adding a National Sales Tax to an already existing income tax. Does anyone believe that his proposed 9% will remain the permanent rate? EVEN BY CAIN'S OWN ADMISSION that rate will probably be increased to 13%, 15% and eventually to 20%. Besides, if you are unemployed, a lower income tax rate won't affect you, but a brand new 9% National sales tax will be a killer. It is a disastrous idea and Cain won't make it to the nomination. Maybe he'll make a good Treasury Secretary. Perry will drop out by year's end. No one trusts him anymore with his too slick politician's image and the in-state-tuition-for-illegal-aliens debacle. Ron Paul is insane. Bachman is insufficiently versed in the philosophic and historical roots of Americanism and is not a leader. She and Paul will be forgotten by the convention. Huntsman is already a vapor. Santorum may make a good VP choice, but he won't get the nomination. That leaves only Romney and Gingrich. In a debate, who will win? The answer is a foregone conclusion. Romney has NOTHING to say. He is a waffling imitation conservative. The country is DEEPLY CONSERVATIVE to the core, especially in the great waking Middle America. Gingrich is the dominant mind in Conservative politics and in the end is the only realistic choice for Republicans to back. If he is elected, he will carry with him vast majorities in both houses of Congress and, in a huge national Conservative uprising, will also bring with him Republican and Conservative majorities in state and local governments, as well. Gingrich himself has said that he wants people to vote with him, not for him, to support his ideas, not the person. This is the only sensible way for Americans to think about electoral politics, asking for the plan, not the promises. We are a government of laws and not of men/people. Sarah Palin has said as much, and if she means to do the right thing, she should endorse Newt Gingrich and work to promote the 21s Century Contract and its Conservative agenda.