Monday, August 1, 2011

The Anti Accomplishment Candidate

Could anyone please tell us what this woman has accomplished? She certainly hasn't done anything in Congress. The general consensus on the internet is that she has no accomplishments to her name in lawmaking.

But is a nonexistent resume enough to satisfy the queen of do nothing? No. She voted against the cap, cut, and amend bill and has vowed to vote against the debt ceiling compromise bill when it hits the House, probably today.

Can anyone point me in the direction of a bill that the do nothing queen has written or sponsored? Is she a committee chair? Or is she just a loud mouth, junior, obstructionist congress woman suffering from delusions of grandeur?


Anonymous said...

haha right on dan...

larry said...

I heard that she dis stay at a Holiday Inn Express once.

Anonymous said...

so very true, DanL We need to see that people like Palin and Bachmann, who only know how to say 'no' will not do for a leader. A leader knows how to bring both sides together and find a workable solution. We will never get 100 percent of what we want. But we can get 70-80 percent with bringing sides together.

hamaca said...

All activity, no achievement.

Unfortunately, certain voters are (or want to be) easily duped by words.

Terry said...

It seems she's just a tag along Congresswoman.

I could fine anything that began with her and passed.

Terry said...

should have been couldn't find

Revolution 2012 said...

Bachmann has no real record of accomplishment when it comes to proposing anything that actually became law.

More of a ringleader than doer.

BOSMAN said...

NO EXECUTIVE experience. End of story.