Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mike Huckabee interviews Newt Gingrich

Mike Huckabee interviews GOP Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich on the Huckabee show:

Interesting question that Huckabee asks Gingrich:

Did your consultants leave to go work for Rick Perry who is rumored to be considering a bid for the White House?


BOSMAN said...

Gingrich's plan sounds good to me!

Anonymous said...

I wonder when Huckabee will invite the current front runner Mitt Romney on to his show. He said the feud has been squashed between the two, but he hasnt invited romney to his show. Im sure romney would accept an invitation.

tim said...

He won't invite Romney.

He's jealous. Romney is where he wishes he could be. As long as Romney is the front runner, No Huckabee show!

Revolution 2012 said...

I like his suggestion also.