Monday, May 23, 2011

Tim Pawlenty op-ed: Real change is about telling hard truths

Tim Pawlenty will make it official today in Iowa. He released a video Sunday confirming his plans. Here he is today being interviewed on NBC's Today Show from Iowa:

Today Pawlenty has an op-ed in USA Today as well, titled. 'Real change is about telling hard truths':
In the third year of Barack Obama's presidency, unemployment is at unbearable levels, gas and food prices are skyrocketing and federal government spending is out of control. "ObamaCare" is unconstitutional, and it is already driving up health costs — not reducing them.
The president's policies simply aren't working. And more than that, he won't even tell us the truth about the problems we're facing and what it's really going to take to get America back on the right track.
As a candidate for president, it would be easy for me to just tell the American people we can solve our debt crisis and fix our economy without making any tough choices. But we have now seen where that type of leadership gets us.
Leadership isn't about fancy speeches and empty promises. It's not about telling people just what they want to hear. It's about telling the truth. Like too many Washington politicians, President Obama governs with an eye toward the next election, at the expense of the next generation. He would rather pretend there is no crisis and attack those who are willing to stand up and try to solve it rather than risk doing anything about it himself.
Read the full op-ed HERE.

WANTED: Pawlenty supporter to carry the torch for their candidate on RIGHT SPEAK.
You don't have any idea how hard it was for me to post all this!


Right Wingnut said...

I know A LOT about Tim Pawlenty. But, until the field is set, and the campaign is under way, I'll keep my mouth shut. He may prove to be useful.

Revolution 2012 said...


I feel your pain!

Bill589 said...

Pawlenty may prove useful to me too; a recorded speech might cure my insomnia.

I know we shouldn’t pick a president on charisma only (Obama), but you have to have something. Maybe I just heard his poorer speeches; I’ll try to make it through another.

Anonymous said...

Does Tim's open smile face strikes anyone else as slightly annoying?

Nice guy Pawlenty got hammered here with DNC talking points, then got invited back for more. This is the state of the media we're living in.
