Sunday, April 17, 2011

Need To Know: Why Not a Foreign Born President?

George Soros                          Bob Hope

PBS is getting into the birther controversy. Hahahaha, don't worry, Obama's still got your back.

NewsWeek's former editor Jon Meacham seems to think that America may be ready to change the Constitution:

Is this what you call, A GLOBAL view?

I can remember thinking back in my early days in YAF (Young American's For Freedom) that it was too bad that Bob Hope, a very popular conservative celebrity who was born in England, could not run for President. He was a big supporter of the conservative youth movement in the early days and many thought he would have made a great President if not for his foreign birth. Well times certainly do change. Looking back at that period, I'm glad that the Constitution wasn't changed to allow for this.

Now I have no doubt that there are foreign born Americans who would make quality candidates if not for their birth place just as I am sure that there are native born Americans who would not. The point is, The native born we have to put up with the foreign born we don't.

There may not be any king of Prussia waiting in the wings, but there are slimeballs like George Soros who I'm sure are.


larry said...

I don't think the Constitution should be amended either.

If something isn't broke, why fix it?

The Canadian said...

I think you miss out on a lot of potential talent by only allowing native born citizens to run for President.

BOSMAN said...

"I think you miss out on a lot of potential talent by only allowing native born citizens to run for President."

That may be true. You also miss out on the Soros types that would like nothing better than to use their billions to perhaps buy the Presidency and destroy America.

Revolution 2012 said...

Good post Bos. For reasons that you mention, I don't want any changes either.