Public Policy Polling

If the Republican candidates for President in 2012 were Haley Barbour, Mitch Daniels, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty, and Mitt Romney who would you vote for?
Mike Huckabee ........................... 18%
Mitt Romney...............................17%
Sarah Palin ..............................16%
Someone else/Undecided..........15%
Newt Gingrich ............................14%
Ron Paul ..................................9%
Tim Pawlenty ..............................5%
Mitch Daniels .............................4%
Haley Barbour..............................1%
PPP Nuggets:
If Huck doesn't run but Palin still does- Mitt 20, Palin 19, Newt 18, Paul 12
If Palin doesn't run but Huck still does- Huck 22, Newt 20, Mitt 18
If neither Huck nor Palin runs, tie at the top between Mitt and Newt at 24%, Paul in 3rd at 12%
Palin voters without her in the mix- 32% to Huck, 25% to Newt, 10% to Mitt
Huck voters without him in the mix a wash- 21% to Palin, 20% to Newt, 19% to Mitt, 15% to Paul
Without Huck or Palin in- Palin voters go 35% Newt, 19% Mitt and Huck voters go 26% Newt, 23% Mitt
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With a +/- 4.1%, it basically a 4 way tie. 5, if you include undecided.
An interesting question would be how well people feel that they know each of these candidates. I'd guess that people feel that they know Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin very well. I don't see either of them as having a good chance to pick up many of those undecided votes. Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney are known less and might pick up some of the undecided votes. Only people who follow politics closely know much about Tim Pawlenty or Mitch Daniels. They might be in the best position to pick up undecided votes.
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