At the 2nd annual 9/12 Project picnic with Allen West in Lake Worth FL, Congressman Allen West stated that while he is humbled by the support he has received from people across the country who believe he is a viable Senatorial and/or Presidential candidate, but nonetheless, he is staying put in the U.S. House of Representatives. West then went off to call out Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) by way of a pretty good impersonation- regarding the video in which Reid says that the Tea Party would not survive.
The full story is HERE.
IMO, HR is half right. I think the tea party will begin to fold under its own weight. There's too many now, trying to be 'THE spoksperson' or go to person, or TP representative, that the movement is no longer moving along, but stalling along the beltway. Whats that saying about power?
West is GREAT.
SPOT ON impersonation of Reid.
I like West as 10 years, he'll be a player in the GOP.
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