Monday, January 17, 2011

President Obama readies to sue states who allow union secret ballot

Unions worse enemy
The National Labor Relations Board on Friday threatened to sue Arizona, South Carolina, South Dakota and Utah over constitutional amendments guaranteeing workers the right to a secret ballot in union elections.
The agency's acting general counsel, Lafe Solomon, said the amendments conflict with federal law, which gives employers the option of recognizing a union if a majority of workers sign cards that support unionizing.
Full story is HERE.

While President Obama is obviously looking out for his base (unions), Mitt Romney has come out in support of the secret ballot (Card Check). Here he is on the Sean Hannity Radio Show:


Ann said...

Romney is correct about most union leadership.

This is another example of why we need this successful business man in the White House.

kelly said...

No one should be pressured into anything they don't want. A secret ballot allows individuals to participate freely in decisions that affect their lives.

Romney is on the right side of this issue.

Revolution 2012 said...

Once again, Romney is right on the money!

Anonymous said...

Leave it to the Obama Administration to kiss the butts of the union hierarchy.

While screwing the average American worker.


carlo said...

Mitt is right on.

ConMan said...

This isn't surprising.

Obama has to keep his chief fundraisers happy.

Anonymous said...

We deliberately passed that constitutional amendment to allow us to fight the Feds in court if we have to. Hopefully, we won't be fighting alone like we have been on Senate Bill 1070. The secret ballot is a very important right for people to have, so I hope we get lots of support on this one.