Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Senator Jim DeMint praises Sarah Palin. But does she light up a room like Mitt Romney?

In an interview with Politico, Demint had this to say about Sarah Palin:
“We’ve never spoken, but she left me a nice message, and I believe she’s done more for the Republican Party than anyone since Ronald Reagan,” he said.
The article also pointed out this:
DeMint backed Romney in the 2008 presidential primary — but said he’s got “an open mind” about 2012.
“He’s obviously near the top of my list, he’s a good quality candidate and we’ve got others who are looking at it,” said DeMint, who also is getting encouragement from some conservative activists to run for president.
Now Senator DeMint, Here's a question for you:

Does Sarah Palin light up a room like Mitt Romney?


  1. Great stuff Bos.

    Palin obviously doesn't light up a room like Mitt does.

    Romney & DeMint in 2012!


  2. Palin wins the lights up a room vote.

    It will be interesting to watch Jim DeMint explain away his support for Romney and Romneycare.

    As many of you Romney supporters know, the teaparty folks are against Obamacare, Romneycare, mandates, and shoving a healthcare plan down peoples throats. Not saying that is what Romney did, but it is what was done with Obamacare. People may not bother to care to search out the differences.

    So it will be interesting to watch DeMint. Who knows, maybe he will support Pawlenty or Daniels this time around.

  3. What a great video of DeMint praising Romney. It's funny that the Palin sites are pushing the DeMint praise. They're not bothering to enter DeMint's comment's praising Romney as being near the top of his list.

  4. "Romney / DeMint in 2012!" Mr DeMint is at least going to get some thing down in writing before he automatically throws his support behind Mr. Romney. Interesting how Mr. Romney is stuck in the low 20s (even without Mr. McCain and America's Mayor out of the race.)


  5. I think DeMint might be looking to be a kingmaker this cycle and perhaps land as someone's VP. I doubt he would be Palin's VP, if she were to win, simply due to the fact hat they both already represent the TP movement but he would help Romney or Thune or Pawlenty or even a far fetched Giuliani run.


  6. I agree that DeMint would probably not be Palin's VP. I think if Palin were to win the nomination she would pick Giuliani or maybe Fred Thompson. I could see DeMint as Romney's VP.


  7. AJR, I agree. If Palin wins...I would bet that Giuliani would be her VP pick. He would help shore up the moderates and the independents. The only problem I see with that happening is that I think it would guarantee Biden being gone and being replace with Obama/Hillary ticket would be much harder to beat than an Obama/Biden ticket in 2012.


    BTW...I'm glad you found your way over to this site. We can use your help.

  8. Jersey,

    I could see Obama dump Biden in that scenario. I wouldn't be shocked if he dumped Biden anyway. He is such a buffoon.


    P.S. Reinforcements have arrived

  9. I'd say it looks like DeMint has a man crush on Romney. Look at how HE lights up when talking about Romney.

  10. When a politician says, "we've got others who are looking at it," that's pretty much a guarantee that he won't be heading up any Romney for President exploratory committees.


  11. AJR, he'll probably have Biden dumped in a Chicago landfill and then blame Bush and Palin for the missing VP.


  12. After reading the article, it looks as if DeMint was asked specifically about Palin. He just didn't come out with his statement out of thin air as if he was looking to make a point.

    DeMint in the end, will back Romney again. Romney has done nothing to discourage Demint's endorsement of him since 2007.

    Also notice, that DeMint keeps planting the seeds for another endorsement.

    This is the 3rd or 4th time he's mentioned Romney being at the top of his list.

  13. I think that to maintain the impression of impartiality before endorsing someone, politicians tend to look for a couple of harmless examples of issues on which they can disagree or reasons to praise a potential opponent.

    Not sayin' that this is what DeMint is up to (or Thune for that matter), but if he happens to end up endorsing Mitt, I'll have my suspicions!

  14. IMO, there is NO WAY DeMint endorses Romney during the primaries. Hell, many people are trying to convince DeMint to run.

    The past year DeMint has maneuvered himself into a very specific position and a pre-general, Romney endorsement does not fit the mold that he has carved out for himself.

  15. That last one was me.


  16. JR,

    Maybe DeMint has CARVED OUT a VP slot for himself?

    Perhaps sitting at the head table in the Senate, has some appeal to him? He could smack Reid every once-n-awhile every time he gets an urge.

    I'm starting to warm up to the idea of a Romney & DeMint ticket!

  17. Michael, maybe but doubtful...IMO. If you were one of the Romney supporters that bashed Palin for her "costing us the Senate," then you might want to rethink DeMint on your ticket because he backed the same candidates, even moreso than Palin did.


  18. Michael,

    I think you may be on to something. Can you imagine him sitting next to Harry Reid?

    He's still fairly young at 59 years old. 4 years younger than Romney. in 10 years he'd be McCain's age when he ran. Still young enough to squeeze a term or two in if he so desires.
