Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Former Republican Senate candidate Christine O"Donnell is under a Federal criminal investigation

According to the Boston Herald, Christine O'Donnell is under a criminal investigation..
Federal authorities have opened a criminal investigation of Delaware Republican Christine O’Donnell to determine if the former Senate candidate broke the law by using campaign money to pay personal expenses, according to a person with knowledge of the investigation.
Among the complaints are her using campaign monies to pay her rent.

Complete story is HERE.


  1. Palin really knows how to pick-em.


  2. A loser from the start - no matter what Rush and Sarah say. Castle was no bargain either, but backing these unvetted candidates is just lazy.

    Then to have Rush praise her tot he high heavans after no knowing who hte devil she was when the story first broke, just undermines his cred.

    I can appreciate the TP wanting a victory, but lets have some due diligence please.

  3. I'm not surprised at this.

    I could never figure out how someone could survive at her age without ever having a full time job.

    Unless you're in to snake oil sales

  4. Excellent point Kelly.

    I wondered the same thing. Short of being born into wealth, or welfare, or married, how can you not have held a full time job at her age?

  5. The main thing that every body forgets is that we got rid of Mr. Castle. Miss. O'Donnell was the only one to do it because the establishment was too lazy to come up with another alternative.


  6. Don't bother OJ, these guys aren't interested in or value the same things we do. I don't think the Tea Party movement really means that much to them...especially if it won't help Romney get elected.


  7. It's to bad that Palin didn't stay out of the Delaware race. Castle probably could have won in the general. A RINO is better than any Democrat.

  8. Good, cut her down before she has the chance to wreck more destruction and make conservatives look even more stooopid and irresponsible. The last thing we need is a Palin clone.

  9. Tell me everyone didn't sense she was a little STRANGE from the beginning.

    Witch craft, never held a job.......
