Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Iowa will host first big 2012 forum March 7, 2011

According to the Wall Street Journal, a megachurch on the outskirts of Des Moines will be sending out invitations to speak at this event to anyone who has indicated the slightest interest in being a candidate for President in 2012.
Likely 2012 presidential candidates have been sniffing around Iowa for months on book tours and under-the-radar speaking engagements. But now the entire field–all dozen or so possible GOP challengers–are being invited to a megachurch on the outskirts of Des Moines for a March 7th candidates’ forum–the first of its kind for 2011.

“I’d think that these potential candidates would like the chance to come have a dialogue with evangelical Christians,” said Mr. Scheffler, one of the state’s most prominent GOP organizers and a member of the Republican National Committee.
The million dollar question is, Will there be many takers this early?

More on the story HERE.


  1. Rick Santorum will be the first to reply YES.

  2. It may be to early for some.

    The problem with not going is it's Iowa. The first contest. They may look at it as a snub, even if someone enters later.

  3. It's obvious that anyone who has declared that early will be there.

    The question is, If there are no declared candidates by then, will non-declared people show up?

    My guess is some yes, some no. WHO. is anybody's guess.

  4. I hope as many as possible go. I can't wait for the official 2012 race to begin.


  5. I can. I get so frustrated when Romney is treated unfairly.

  6. I don't know about this event. It sounds to me like a bunch of bible thumpers (st megachurch?). Probably with an agenda.

  7. It's funny because it's obvious that anyone who is not a declared candidate by March who attends, by their attendance alone, they would be declaring their candidacy.

  8. I think anyone who has any intention of running in 2012 will attend.
