Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mike Huckabee takes shots at Romney and Palin

The following video is an exchange between Mike Huckabee and Democratic Representative Anthony Weiner that took place yesterday on the Mike Huckabee Show.

In the video, Huckabee brings up the MA Health Care system. Weiner jokingly calls Huckabee on it calling it a "Veiled shot at Governor Romney". I hate to admit it, but Weiner was right. From the expression on Huckabee's face and his BOGUS response, "I didn't mean.....blah, blah, blah.......", Huckabee obviously, didn't expect to be called on it.

Later on in the interview, Huckabee takes another veiled shot a Romney and Sarah Palin. Suggesting that They belong in the group that feels that in reference to the tax bill, "If we don't get everything, we don't want anything"

Shot at Romney starts at about 1:50 minute mark
Shot at Romney and Palin begins at about 4:10


Right Wingnut said...

The shot at 4:10 is nothing to what he said on Red Eye the other night.

There's a very long thread on Free Republic about it.

Right Wingnut said...

And yes, it's fairly obvious what he was trying to do at the 1:50 mark. While I tend to agree with his comments, it's unbecoming of a potential candidate for president to use his show to attack potential primary opponents.

Right Wingnut said...

While I'm no fan of Romney or Huck, if I were forced to choose between the two, I would not choose Huck.

BOSMAN said...


"it's unbecoming of a potential candidate for president to use his show to attack potential primary opponents."


THAT's the whole point of this thread.

It's even MORE UNBECOMING, that FOX NEWS gives him a carte blanche to do so.

Right Wingnut said...

Bos, But he also uses his airtime to go after another potential opponent who happens to be a fellow contributer!

zappo said...

Huckabee is a pig.

Noth Palin and Romney have been taking strong stands lately while huckapig sticks his finger to the wind.

hamaca said...

From RWN's FreeRep link:

"Huckabee said those who "actually have to govern, have to pass it, have to accept it, usually like a marriage, nobody gets what they want, that's governing"."

I guess this is valid unless it involves anything Romney says or does.

Doug NYC GOP said...

That's an odd view of marriage Huckabee has. "...usually like a marriage, nobody gets what they want..."

I'm glad my wife Julie and I are not "usual".

He's also totally about the Mass BC situation - the car has not crashed into a 1,000 pieces.

Right Wingnut said...

Some comments from the Freepers. Right on target...

Isn’t that what he did to Mitt and the Mormon question in 2008? Throw something out there and then claim that he didn’t say it or mean it that way but having saying he “accidentally” has the issue put out there for some to discuss and accomplish the purpose?

He actually is pretty good at this stuff. I've heard him be talking so nicely while he sticks a knife in whoever he's running against, what's being reported here is a perfect example. He then shrugs and tells you what a nice Christian preacher he is.

Revolution 2012 said...

This is typical Huckabee. The man is a 2 faced hypocrite!

This 'I didn't mean it" is getting pretty stale.

phil said...

Huckabee truly is a loser.

Doug NYC GOP said...

I never like or trusted those beedy eyes. Too shifty for me.

Anonymous said...

zappo hit it out of the ball park!


Anonymous said...

"Shot at Romney and Palin begins at about 4:10" ????? Are we watching the same video? Obviously, I agree with Mrs. Palin (and Mr. Romney in this case) instead of Mr. Huckabee, but c'mon he is not talking a shot at them, he is just disagreeing. Yes, Mr. Huckabee has taken shots at his opponents before, but in this video??? Okaaaaaay


illinoisguy said...

I actually agreed with this liberal democrat about as often as I did Huckabee in this interview. Huck was all over the place apparently attempting to make sure he was not in the same place as Sarah and Mitt.

Romney and Palin have been seeing eye to eye on a lot of things lately. It's going to be interesting.

Ann said...

I agree with IG. Weiner nailed Huckabee on this and I don't think he was expecting it.