Friday, October 26, 2018

INVASION ALERT: TROOPS? 800 Engineers, Lawyers and Doctors ... NO INFANTRY?

The Pentagon plans to deploy at least 800 U.S. troops to the southern border to prevent a migrant caravan from Central America from crossing -- making good on President Donald Trump's vow to use the military to stop an influx of immigration.
... The officials said U.S. troops will provide fencing, tents, medical supplies and support to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol at key points where migrants might cross. The group will not include "trigger pullers," but rather engineers to build traffic barriers, doctors and lawyers to provide legal representation. ...
Read the full story HERE.

MY TAKE: He's sending 800 engineers, lawyers and F*ing doctors. NO INFANTRY!

That means, the caravan won't be stopped BEFORE they step on U.S. soil. They will only be there to support the border patrol ...

TRANSLATION: there's some ILLEGALS over there .. lets tell border patrol SO THEY CAN LOG THEM IN and later RELEASE THEM into the U.S..

And what message does that send to caravan 2 ... 3 ... 10 ... 100 ...?

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  1. It's a humanitarian crisis, so makes sense to me.


  2. They should be shipped to the Aleutian Islands. Once they find out how cold it is up there and that will be their future, this would be a HUGE deterrent for future caravans.

  3. Right Joe. We can't have any more brown people moving in. They're not really human anyway...

