Sunday, September 30, 2018

Republicans Should Not Have Delayed the Kavanaugh Vote

Reuters/Jim Bourg
They gave Democrats exactly what they wanted.
You have opponents whose first and only objective is delay. From the start of the confirmation proceedings on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, those opponents, Senate Democrats, have thus pushed for delay. At every turn. Of course they never come out and say that’s what they’re doing — they never come out and say, “We’ve abused the confirmation process and dropped a bomb at the eleventh hour, an uncorroborated, 36-year-old allegation of sexual assault, because we’re trying to delay the vote until after the midterms.” But delay is what they want.
It doesn’t matter what sheep’s clothing the wolf comes in; the wolf is always delay. When they say, “We’re protecting survivors,” they mean, “We want delay.” When they posture that “women must be believed,” their aim is more delay. When they say, “The FBI must investigate to remove any cloud over the nominee,” the translation is: “Give us a delay so we can come up with new reasons for delay.”
Get it?
Dems say, “potato,” they mean “delay”;
Dems say “tomato,” they mean delay;
Tomato, delay, potato, delay;
Let’s call the whole thing off.
So, finally, we get to a committee vote over two weeks after it should have happened; after reopening a hearing that involved 31 hours of testimony from the nominee; after 65 meetings with senators and followed by over 1,200 answers to post-hearing questions, more than the combined number of post-hearing questions in the history of Supreme Court nominations. We finally get Kavanaugh’s nomination voted out of committee. And then, as a final floor vote is about to be scheduled and debated, Republicans — taking their lead from the ineffable Jeff Flake — agree to accede to one more Democratic request (really, just one more, cross-our-hearts . . .). And what would that be?
What else? Another week of delay. --->
Read the rest from Andrew C. McCarthy HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. Andrew McCarthy is a huge Trump apologist, so I can't take him seriously anymore.

    But this is dumb, because senate R's had no choice. Like Graham said, last time he checked, they need 51 votes.

    The FBI investigation is a sham, anyway. McGahn is in charge, and Kavanaugh is his guy. The FBI will not even try to find info that will hurt Kavenaugh.

    Flake did the right thing. I only hope he has the guts to stick it out all the way. Kavanaugh showed on thurs that he is not fit for the court.

