Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Does White Privilege Theory Pave The Way For South Africa-Style Property Confiscation In The United States?

Given the steady erosion of our constitutional liberties at all levels of government, the time to ponder expropriation without compensation is now.
The South African parliament is considering an amendment to their constitution to allow for “expropriation without compensation” of private property for the purpose of “land reform.” Although apartheid ended in the early 1990s, most South African farmland is still owned by whites, and many in South Africa see land reform as a necessary remedy for past injustices committed by white colonists of Anglo and Dutch origin.
While many pundits have been quarreling over whether 74 farm murders last year constitute “white genocide” (the case is weak at best, given the lack of data), the actual policy debate in the country is deeply disturbing on its own, and shows, regardless of what you think about the farm murders, that racial Marxism threatens to bring an economic and human rights disaster upon South Africa.
There are obvious lessons to learn from what’s happening in South Africa and what happened with Zimbabwe’s land reform, as I shall discuss. But in exploring these events, we must ask an important question: Could a version of South Africa’s or Zimbabwe’s property confiscation ever happen in America?
It’s not far-fetched. Material reparations have long been on the agenda for black social justice activists, and the theory of “white privilege,” which insists that all white wealth and privilege is essentially ill-gotten because all whites participate in and benefit from the so-called “system of oppression” (i.e. capitalism), has been gaining traction in educational institutions over the past several years.
Given the steady erosion of our constitutional liberties at all levels of government, even under Republican leadership, the time to ponder such a morally and materially consequential a possibility as expropriation without compensation — something like a racial application of the power of eminent domain — is now. --->
Read the rest from Georgi Boorman HERE.

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