Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Government Doesn’t Even Know How Many Criminals Were Given Amnesty

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Congress and even the president are floating an amnesty proposal that lists a bunch of criteria for eligibility. But exclusive data provided by the USCIS in answer to specific requests from Rep. Steve King shows that many of the people who already received the first amnesty weren’t eligible and/or have a stolen identity. Shouldn’t we first learn the lessons of DACA before codifying it into actual law?
We were all told that “Dreamers” are as pure as the wind-driven snow and that we shouldn’t deport entrepreneurs, etc.; rather, we should focus our enforcement on criminals. We should therefore expect that on this data point, perhaps more than any other, the government would meticulously document all self-reported and discovered criminals among the applicants, record the data, and obviously deny them DACA status.
Not so.
Once again, criminal information on only 87,076, roughly 10 percent, of the initial applications was stored in the electric “ELIS” system. The DACA form asks applicants if they “[h]ave ever been arrested for, charged with, or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor[…]?” Of the small universe of recorded data for initial renewals, Rep. King was informed that 3,507 had self-reported as having a criminal record. Bizarrely, the USCIS said that criminal information on 5,835 of the applications was “not available.” Most disturbingly, 66 percent, or 1,191, of those self-reported criminals were approved, and 4,946 (85 percent) of the “not available” category were approved! That might not sound like a lot of people, but remember, these are just the self-reported criminals. You can imagine how many lied and didn’t check that box.
Read the rest from Daniel Horowitz HERE.

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