Saturday, March 17, 2018

ACLU Sues DHS to Force Release of Migrants With Children

The pro-migration ACLU is suing the Department of Homeland Security to help economic migrants use children to smuggle themselves into the United States.
President Donald Trump’s DHS tries to detain all migrants pending their asylum hearing because it is easier to repatriate migrants homewards when they lose their hearing. The detention policy is also intended to prevent migrants from walking away and then disappearing into the United States, and also to deter future migration.
When groups of migrants — the so-called “family units” of adults and children — appear at the border, DHS prioritizes its limited number of detention beds for the adults. The accompanying children are safeguarded in other housing run by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Overall, the detention policy is intended to end the practice of “catch-and-release,” which happens when border officers are forced to let asylum-seeking migrants go free because there are no available beds at the detention sites.
But the pro-migration ACLU is trying to knock down barriers again migration from Central America, South America, Asia, and Africa.
Read the rest from Neil Munro HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. What a lovely policy - separating children from parents in order to deter immigration! Brilliant!

    So proud of the new GOP!

